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NamJoon's POV
I am in my dreamland, snoring as I try to catch up on sleep when I felt someone shaking me. I groaned and tossed around when I felt air beneath me, 'holy shiteu...' I landed on the floor with a loud thud as I sit up, groaning in pain.

I look up to see Jin in a pink apron, staring down at me with his hands on his waist. "Gosh. You are finally awake. See this." He shoved me my phone.

I grabbed it carefully, as I scrolled on the website shown on my screen. 'Now this is really holy shiteu....'

Yume's POV
I am lazily munching on my cereal as I watch the show on my tv, when the commercials came wrecking in(like a wrecking ball). I groaned as I pray for it to pass quickly when a breaking news caught my attention.

Breaking News:
Last night, at around 9pm, a girl was spotted getting out of BTS dorm. Netizens are saying that the girl is one of the members' girlfriend. A photo was captured by a passer by, who saw one of the member hugging the girl. It can't be concluded who is the member as it was dark and blurry. BigHit Entertainment has not make any announcement pertaining to this issue.

I groaned as I shook my head, tired of all this drama, I switch off my tv.

Author's POV
BigHit Entertainment building was crowded with reporters and fans, as they were creating chaos outside, demanding an explanation for the situation.

Bang Pd-nim glanced outside through the shutters of his window, shaking his head, he turned to the boys sitting at the edge of their seats in the conference room.

"So...."He sat down at the end of the long table, looking at the boys with a weird expression,"What should we do? Hmm..YoonGi?"

YoonGi sat up straight and said firmly,"I am suggesting to reveal our relationship to the public. What's between us and Yume and also me dating her." Bang Pd-nim looked at the boy that has fire burning in his eyes and nodded,"Have you discussed with her?"

YoonGi shook his head and said,"I haven't and i should do so now, I wouldn't want to do something without her permission. I respect her too much to decide this by myself."

Just then, someone poked her head through the door and asked,"Am I interrupting something? May I come in?" Bang Pd-nim shouted a yes, you may come in, before Yume came rolling in(the deeeeeepppp), nah just kidding, she just casually walked in and sat at an empty seat.

Bang Pd-nim nodded his head in greeting and Yume returned the gesture before he cleared his throat, "So YoonGi was planning to announce you guys relationship, you agreeing with it?" Yume looked at YoonGi who was fidgeting in his seat and smiled, nodding,"Of course I am good with it. But... the ARMYs, I just hope they won't get too...." Yume trailed off.

It was an awkward silence as they could all think what ARMYs might do, especially those saesang fans, before YoonGi said,"Don't worry, Yume, I am sure they will like you..." They all chuckle, trying to get rid of the awkwardness and to feed themselves with a false thought. Well, after all, not all fans are supportive of a relationship right?

"Ok... so I will make an announcement now, and I will hold a press conference later at 7pm?"Bang Pd-nim asked, in which they all nodded in agreement.

YoonGi's POV
One word. Shit. I am the walking definition of hell. Everything is going through my head at the same time. But, the feeling that stand out the most is nervousness.

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