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Yume's POV
It is a really important day today....

Guess what is it?

My birthday? Nah.... still long way from now. Someone's birthday? Nope.... An important concert? Currently on a short break. Well....

IT'S THE DAY WHERE MY OTP, HANA OR YUJUN WILL SAIL! WELL... I AM GOING TO MAKE IT SAIL! *wriggles eyebrows while smiling evilly*

But it's sad that I have to be on this Mission alone.... Everyone else is busy.... Not that I am not busy though, I just think that getting papa idiot and mama idiot together is more important.

They are going on a date later, don't ask me how I know it, I have my ways. *smiling proudly which turns into window wiping laughter* I am current getting ready for my ultimate mission.

 *smiling proudly which turns into window wiping laughter* I am current getting ready for my ultimate mission

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Taking my sun glasses, I left my house while shrugging my shoulders and acting like a professional spy. Hehe.... now's the Mission.

Time skip to mall~
"Tck tck...."I shake my head as I watched the 2 of them on a date. This Kang HaJun.... such a romantic guy...(please note the sarcasm)... want to capture a girl's heart but only bringing her to the mall?

I hid behind a wall while trying to look casual which I am obviously failing at. People are staring at me like I'm a creep but somehow I am glad they still haven't call the police.

Their left legs go first then their right leg, and the cycle continues. They are practically just walking?! I try holding in my laughter at HaJun oppa's pathetic attempt at trying to hold YuNa's hand which failed due to his lack of courage,but I am proud to say that I just giggled silently.

On HaJun and YuNa's side~

"Do you feel something weird?" YuNa asked. "I kind of feeling that a ghost is following us..."HaJun replied. They shrugged as they tried to forget about the shiver down their spine and continue whatever they are doing, which is just.... walking...

Back to the ultimate spy pro-, Yume is still spying on them. "Urgh.... you man! Just man up and grab her hand!"I mutter as I clench my fists, watching as HaJun's hand moved by a teeny tiny bit of distance.

"Just a little more... just a little- Yes! You little brat! You did it!" I punch my fist up into the air as I cheered, doing a small victory dance.

Seeing the blushes on their faces, I chuckle,' Awww.... such a cute match.... my otp....'

But things are unfortunately back to square one, they are just walking until they sit down on a bench to chat.

Feeling super annoyed, I dial HaJun oppa's number as I waited for him to pick up. I watch as he said a few things to YuNa and stood up, going off somewhere to answer my call.

(HaJun in italic and Yume in normal font)
"That's not how you do on a date...."
"Boy, I am so disappointed in you... I thought you could do better..."
"Yoon Yume. Where are you?"
"Oh that's unnecessary. Me, the great love expert, have to personally step in now. Just wait until I send you a message and do as I instruct."
"No buts. In the meantime, please be more romantic. YuNa likes romantic guys. Bye!"

I hang up abruptly and smirked while rubbing my hands, ' HoHoHo! It will be fun!"

After a painful 2 hours, I can say that I am proud of what I did.

Booking a room at the restaurant at the Namsan tower. Spending time decorating the room. Specifically asking the chefs to prepare a candlelight dinner. Going to the Namsan park and decorate the secret place that I found last time with flower petals and fairy lights.(A/N: just pretend there's a secret place that looks like this;) )

(A/N: just pretend there's a secret place that looks like this;) )

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I wiped my sweat and heaved a sigh of relief. You better thank me when you guys get together. After finishing the restaurant, I have already informed HaJun oppa and they are currently having their oh-so-sweet candlelight dinner. While I am stuck here, doing some touching ups. This is just how much you would go, for the sake of your 2 idiot best friends that need your help to get together.

Soon, they arrive at the secret place. I watch as YuNa glances around in amazement. 'Guess my work here is done... All that is left is for them to tell me the details...' I smiled as I sneaked away quietly and swiftly like a ninja.

Author's POV
YuNa glanced around in amazement as her eyes twinkled under the moonlight. She turned and smiled at HaJun,"Did you did all this?"

HaJun blushed under her stare and stuttered as he scratched the back of his neck," I-I got s-some help from Yume."

She chuckled as she said," Ah... That mischievous girl... always up to no good..."

'It is now or never! And I can't let Yume's efforts go to waste.'

"YuNa.... please listen to what I have to say..."HaJun started, before continuing as he saw YuNa's big puppy eyes staring at him.

"I know I am not a romantic guy. I am also not really good with expressing my feelings but i like you, YuNa. No, i love you." YuNa's eyes widened as she stared at HaJun.

"The way you smiles, lights up my day. Your laugh, is like music to my ears. How I always want to cry when you are crying too like how I smile when you smile. I know I might be cheeky but, your happiness is my happiness. And, I want to be the one to make you the most happiest girl on this world. Will you, my one and only, be my Girlfriend?"

YuNa was shocked, tears brimmed in her eyes as she nodded. "I will be more than willing to be your Girlfriend!"

"I have always wanted to do this is now, I can finally do it."HaJun smiled before pulling YuNa into a soft and passionate kiss.

In one corner, a girl hid smiling, as she recorded everything. Even though she said she wanted to let her otp tell her the details, she couldn't help herself to spy on them. Professional spy instincts....

She was glad that they got together, she has been shipping them for a long time.

'Awwww.... my YuJun otp finally sailed...'Yume chuckled.

A/N: I am sorry that it is a short and boring chapter, but I just wanted to write about the friendship of the idiots trio and how Yume cherishes their friendship and goes to great lengths for them.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!:)
Peace out!✌🏻

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