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Yume's POV
I just sigh as I watch YuNa and HaJun doing cute things as they sit on the couch together.

The idiots trio is currently chilling in my apartment, which was quite unexpected since we are all busy with our own jobs.

They are so cute seriously.... I can't help but feel the slight tugging on my heart, feeling envious about their cute relationship.

But there's nothing I can do about YoonGi and i's relationship, since he is really busy with his schedule and all, and I really respect his passion for his job.

We hardly have the time to talk, let alone hang out together. Plus with him being a famous idol, we can't really go out on a date.

I sigh again....

"Yume, when are you going to tell them about your identity, especially YoonGi, he's your boyfriend after all."YuNa asked.

"I.. I don't know. I can't find the courage to... I want to tell him but I want to find a right timing. I also want to tell him personally..." I sighed, looking down at my fingers.

"Don't worry. Don't stress yourself too much."HaJun smiled warmly while I just return a small one.

Author's POV
It was a hard time, as they barely managed to chat for more than 10mins, only exchanging a few texts a day.

It was Yume's second fan meet. She was excited as she clapped around, after the first one four years ago, she decided to hold a better one, but only accepting 65 people.

She wanted to talk heart to heart to her fans and want to have more time to interact with each of them other than just a few words and handshakes.

It was going really smoothly, fans saying words of encouragement and giving her small gifts. Yume smiled, sincerely touched and happy.

Just then, an old lady appeared before her, making Yume quickly stop her from kneeling down. "Ani, don't kneel down."Yume held her hands tightly, before beckoning someone to take a seat over, so as to for them to have a 4 minute interaction.

The old lady smiled, "Here, I did this by myself... Hope you like it." She placed a knitted beanie on Yume's hands. Yume was sincerely touched, even though it was not perfect, it was overflowing with sincerity and love, making her tear up.

"Thank you... I love it,"She smiled, eyes glistening as she placed it on her head.

"You just remind me so much about my granddaughter. She also love playing the piano and she was the one that pulled me into the fandom. She is a great fan of you but she is currently having her exams now and I am here on her behalf." The old lady spoke.

Yume smiled widely, as she took the lady's hands into hers,"I am glad to hear that she also likes to play the piano, help me to tell her that I wish her all the best."

The old lady smiled,"Thank you. Niji-ah... no matter what happens, people that truly love you and support you, will forever stay by your side. Whenever you feel down, think about the people supporting you. Your music inspires us and we, your fans, also hope to provide a form of support and motivation to you. Also, I wish you all the best in your relationship, I want to hear wedding bells soon." She smirked, making Yume's eyes widen. They both broke into small giggles.

It was a short time to bond with her fans, but nonetheless, she felt that she accomplished a great achievement.

A/N: really really sorry for the lame and short chapter. Really really mind dead now. Next chapter will be more exciting (?)

Also, jungkookie's birthday is coming up! Yay! Can't believe he is growing a year older again...😭 will try to churn out more chapters during this short one week school break.😭

Peace out!✌🏻

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