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Yume's POV
"Jagi...."I felt my heart go haywire from the deep husky voice from the other end. "It's our day off, and the other members want you to come and hang out at our dorm."

"Ok, Min Min."I replied with a big smile. "I will come pick you up."He says, before the call ended.

I jump around due to the thought of hanging out with my Min Min. 'Oh my.. I really am going crazy...'I facepalm. 'Better get ready.'

I heard the door bell, and ran to the door, wrecking it open

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I heard the door bell, and ran to the door, wrecking it open. Hehe... just kidding... I am not NamJoon....I just opened it.

My heart flutters and my breath hitch as I stare at the guy standing before me. "Anneong, jagi." He gave me a small wave and his cute gummy smile. I blush as I thought about how I still act like a teenage girl when approached by her crush.

What he did caught me off guard, he leaned forward and gave me a peck on my forehead, causing my blush to get hotter. He back away and smiles shyly,"I-I will be w-waiting at my car." Before he speed walk away.

'We are both such a cute couple... lol... me shipping ourselves...'

I smiled as I watch his back, him scratching his head in embarrassment. I shake my head before taking my bag and head to his car.

Author's POV
The YuGi couple is sitting in a comfortable silence, as YoonGi focus on his driving.

Just then, Yume wanted to turn on the radio, when YoonGi also reached out. Their hands touched and they retracted immediately, their faces red due to the spark of contact.

YoonGi chuckled awkwardly and turned on the radio, which was playing BTS' Spring Day. Yume and YoonGi turned to each other with a weird smile, before they started jamming out.

Singing out of tune, as their horrible singing filled the car, but nonetheless, they were filled with happiness.

Soon they reached the dorm, before YoonGi could even knock, the door opened abruptly, causing him to lose balance and fall inward.

"Argh...."YoonGi let out a groan as he sent daggers at the culprit, aka taelien. The latter just grinned mischievously before pulling Yume into a big hug, without even sparing another glance at the poor boy on the floor.

The others just rushed out, seeing Yume was here. They ran towards her and hop over her boyfriend, tackling her in a group hug.

"I know you guys are not blind.... can't you see I need some help here?!"YoonGi shouted, breaking the guys out of their excitement.

The guys apologised and helped the poor guy up. They gathered in the living room, while Jin, being the omma, went to the kitchen to prepare some snacks and refreshments.

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