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Yume's POV
A silent tear slipped out of my eyes as the light from my phone screen is my only source of light. Me and my phone, in this dark and lonely room.

The demons are getting to me. And the endless comments and messages aren't helping. It is just getting worse.

I have not been out of my room for 3 days, having locked myself up. I have lost all contact with the outside world for 3 days.

I feel my heart getting slashed over and over again, reading all those hate comments. It hurts.. really, it hurts so much that it is suffocating.....

Why can't all of this end.. why must they oppose our relationship.... why must they hate me? Am I wrong..to be with the one I love?

I felt myself succumb deeper to my negative thoughts, as I hide myself in my blanket. Tears are gushing out now, as I see that how far to an extent that they hate me.

"Go die!"
"You slut."
"You don't deserve this world!"
"Just do us a favour and go back to hell!"

Why....what did I do to deserve this? Does YoonGi don't have the freedom to date me?

I was always really sensitive. And depression is coming back this instant.

"YoonGi? I have something to tell you..."I fumbled with my fingers as I look at him who stared up at me.

"What is it?"He raised his eyebrow. "... I just want to tell you that... I once have depression before... I know you had it too... and maybe telling you this might not mean much to you.. but I just don't want to hide the fact from you."

I looked down as I anticipated his reaction. I felt the side on my couch sink, a pair of arms wrapped around me, pulling me into a tight and warm embrace.

YoonGi looked at me in my eyes and said softly,"Thank you for saying this to me... it makes me happy to see us being truthful with each other. Yume... don't worry. I will always stay by your side."

He gave me a gummy smile and a small peck on my lips.
Flashback ends

I don't know why am I so weak, why can't I stand up to them. But one thing I can do is to do them a favour by ending my life....

Author's POV
Yume watched as the water level rising. The empty water seemed so intriguing to her and she can't help but want to go in faster.

Dressed in a long white dress, Yume sat on the edge of her bathtub, staring at her reflection.

Bloodshot and dull eyes, big eye bags, pale and weak, Yume can no longer see her past self in her. The hate has crushed her so much.

She dared not tell YoonGi how much she was suffering from the hate, she didn't want to bother him.

She knew that doing this was not right, YoonGi would be mad at her. But what can a coward like she do? She only wished to run away, from this ruined up life...

She let out an empty chuckle, it echoing in the bathroom. Eyes wandering around, she smiled sadly and said,"Mianhe... Min Min, saranghaeyo.... goodbye..."

She closed her eyes and submerged herself into the cold waters, before feeling her last breath leaving her body.

YoonGi's POV
It was a long time since my jagi contacted me and I can't help but to get worried. I have seen those hate bashed at her, and I thought she is fine since she was also smiling around me.

But little did YoonGi know, how much pain has Yume hid behind that smile of hers....

I am standing before her apartment, holding bags of snacks, thinking of surprising her with a cuddle/movie night.

I walk into her apartment, slipping the keys into my pocket when I realised how eerie and quiet her house is.

"Yume?"I asked as I approached her bedroom. Finding it locked, I shouted for her to open up but there came no response.

Feeling a bad feeling, I back a little before running into the door, wrecking it open.'Wow... I guess NamJoon's destructive skills are contagious...'

"Yume?"Finding her bed empty, my eyes wandered to see light from the bathroom.

I walked over and turned the doorknob, but the sight that welcomed me next, shocked me.

There was my precious jagi, lying in the bed of water, eyes closed. Panic rushed over me and I quickly pulled her up into me embrace.

"Jagi... you can't do this to me..."I muttered as I held her cold, petite body. Her wet clothes clinging to her skin, and lips that turned blue.

How could I have not noticed earlier? She was this sensitive girl with a fragile heart, that is easily harmed by others. Why am I so dumb to not notice the sadness in her eyes as she laugh off the painful hate? Why was I not there for her when she needed me?

Author's POV
YoonGi let out a loud yell, which echoed in the room. He did what he think he should do and called the ambulance.

Sirens echoed in the neighbourhood as the ambulance sped to the nearest hospital.

YoonGi clutched tightly to Yume's cold hands as he prayed for her to stay with him, tears rolling down uncontrollably.
Yume's POV
My eyes flutter open, my sight greeted with a dull white ceiling. 'Am I dead? Why am I here? Aren't I supposed to be in hell?'

I tried to sit up and I saw YoonGi beside me. My movements must have woke him up since he started stirring in his sleep and eventually waking up.

"I am sorry to wake you up..."I apologise. He pushed my head and said,"Ya! Paboya! Why did you do that? Why did you think of leaving me alone in this place? Why..."He started, eyes tearing up, which made my heart clenched.

"I am sorry..."I apologise.

"Yume... please... don't ever think of do this act anymore... please don't take your own life... I beg of you... I don't want to lose you in my life..  You know how much despair I was in when I saw you in that state?"YoonGi muttered as he hug me tightly, his tears staining my shirt.

"YoonGi..."I was out of words as I felt angry at my own actions.

"Yume... I love you.. please promise me to always stay by my side..."He whispered.

"I promise..."I said softly as I started crying too.

He pulled away and gave me a long and sweet kiss. His lips left mine as we stared into each other's eyes lovingly.

He smiled as he hugged me again."For now, let's just stay like this longer."

A/N: I am sorry for writing such a depressing chapter. I know you might not like what Yume did, but please try to think that she was too depressed to even think of the consequences?

And please, my lovely readers, no matter what obstacles you may encounter, don't even think of doing what Yume did, ok? (Will scold her later😂) Everyone is a beautiful existence, and we all have a purpose in this world.(and one of it is to be a fan girl of BTS;) )

Hope you enjoyed this (depressing) chapter.

Peace out!✌🏻

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