Outro: Her

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This is a small continuation of the previous chapter, Outro: Tear.

In summary, this chapter is mostly about how the members feel upon receiving the bad news. Please be careful and take note of the different POVs as I will be switching quite regularly in between, to show each of their inner thoughts.

Requested and idea by:   Panda_Legend
Thanks for this wonderful idea!!^^


Kim Seokjin's pov。

Everything just crashed down on me when I saw that it was Yume's tombstone that tripped me. I was excited to meet her, but not in this manner.

I felt my heart shattering, the pieces falling apart was deafeningly loud in my ears as tears rolled down unknowingly.

I felt numb, it was as if my heart was ripped out of me. It was such a scary feeling, something indescribable, to see my first love's grave.

Hands tracing the small letter carvings, I smiled softly as I watched how she had made a reference to her favourite album: You Never Walk Alone.

You are so funny... Even making a song reference at this point... just.. why are you... I chuckled but choked back on my tears.

Maybe this is why I will never be able to let you go... as I will never want for you to walk alone.

Min Yoongi's pov。

When I saw the grave, it was as if I was teleported back to the past, when we were still in high school.

I still remember how her laughter was a melody to my ears. How her eyes never seemed to lost its sparkles. If only...

If only... I didn't make that decision that day, would things have changed? If I hadn't left her that night, would she still be here, walking along with us?

I remember how her eyes lost its sparkles when I walked off that day. How I turned back discreetly to see her kneeling down on the floor before passing out.

I remember how I ran back to her when she collapsed, lying to the other members that I had to run some errand, in order to send her to the hospital.

I remember how my tears fell unlimitedly, my hands shaking as I typed the messages and cried myself to bed after I sent her the break up messages. Me, selfishly thinking that, it was the best for us.

I guess those days with you, those memories with you are now in memories.

Jung Hoseok's pov。

I didn't know how to react, it was as if time stopped and the world stopped revolving, when I see her lying in where I least expected.

I had always saw her, as someone bright and cheerful. Despite me having the nickname of being the sun itself, she had always been there to cheer me up when I had my own dull times.

Oh how she had always danced passionately and poured her own emotions into her every fluid moves. How could I have missed that the dances that she was best at, were always the type that were sad and depressing?

How could I, as her best friend, left her alone when she needed my help and support? How could I do that when she had always helped me?

If only time could rewind... would things have been better. But nonetheless, nothing can relieve this guilt and sadness that I am feeling as of now.

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