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Yume's POV
I finally wake up after a good night sleep. Today is a free day for me and I was actually thinking of just snuggling up in my blanket cave and binge watch kdramas and stuff myself with lots of junk food, but then I realised maybe I should do some thing else.

After eating a breakfast+lunch, I dress up into some casual clothing, put my hair into a messy bun and took my bag.

After eating a breakfast+lunch, I dress up into some casual clothing, put my hair into a messy bun and took my bag

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'Hehe.... watch out guys...'I chuckled as I started my car.

Author's POV
SEVENTEEN were preparing for their comeback in their studio, when a knock was heard. "Who is it?"SeungCheol asked. "Pizza delivery!"a guy's voice said. "You got the wrong person, we never order any pizza!"SeungCheol shouted back, annoyed that someone was disturbing their practice.

He stood up and wanted to walk to the door when he heard,"I was the one who ordered so open the door now!" It was a sweet girl's voice and it was oddly familiar, but SeungCheol couldn't grasp whose voice it was.

The door flung opened, and there stood a girl with a black mask and sunglasses, holding 10 boxes of pizza, which smelled amazing.

"Who are you?"JeongHan asked warily. "I am your new manager, and I would totally appreciate it if you could just help me with these boxes."Yume lied.'Wow...that was smooth... good job Yume.'She thought, as an amusing smirk played on her lips which was hidden behind her mask.

A few of the boys rushed to her and took the boxes from her, placing them on the floor and wanted to dig in when SeungCheol stopped them,"Yah! Don't eat first! Who are you and why are you here? You are lying about being our new manager."

"Tck... SeungCheol, you sure are smart. I can't believe you guys would forget me though... Aish... 4 years of not meeting and you guys already forgot about me...tck tck."Yume shook her head and sighed disapprovingly, before she took off both of the items that were hiding her face.

"I am back!!!"She exclaimed as she spread her arms wide, already mentally prepared. The boys tackled her into a bone crushing group hug, choking her and she smacked them, making them back away.

her return as the masked musician // bts ✔️Where stories live. Discover now