Chapter 1

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(Selena was in Indonesia, in July 2016 on tour but this is my book so I'm putting it how I want to)
Justin Bieber
"mom where should I put this, "I asked as she came in from shopping "In the kitchen where the groceries go, "She said "Okay then, "I said after I went to my room I turned on the radio "Listen all you Selenator lovers Selena Gomez will be in town in Toronto for a concert on July 23, 2016 (Selena was actually in Indonesia on this day but this my book Justin not famous so don't get confused) get your tickets now or go to ticket master, "the men said I ran downstairs "Mom can I go to Selena concert, "I asked She looked at me "Justin I don't know if I can get the tickets," She said "I know mom I can raise the money by getting a job and only thing you say is yes"I said "Sure"She said I smiled "Thanks momma"I said she nodded I went to my room and called Chaz "What's up bro"he said "Nothing so I was thinking"I said "Oh god if this about Selena Gomez then no Justin"He said "what who said I was about to say her name"I asked "because you always do Justin"he said "No I do not"I said "Selena Gomez"He said "she have a concert coming the day after her birthday maybe you could come with"I asked "Ugh Justin see I knew you couldn't hold it in but I'll think about it"He said "Alright bye"I said after I got on my bike and rode to dad house "Hey dad can I ask a favor"I asked "What is it"he asked "can I get 250 dollars"I said "Justin I don't think I have it right now"He said "Selena Gomez coming in town the day after her birthday and I really want to meet her I told mom I would get a job but that's a lot of work"I said he looked at me "Justin how do you think people get money they just don't get it from sitting maybe go out there and do some busking like you always did"he said "That's a good idea thanks dad"I said "May I borrow your guitar"I asked "Sure"He said "Wait what happened to yours"He asked "Um Nolan came over and he broke the string off it"I said he sighed "Bring it to me tomorrow and I'll fix it"he  said I nodded I went to get his guitar I went by the grabbed my hat and rode to the Avon theater I sat the hat down and got the guitar ready after I played songs

(This was in 2012 but you have to understand Justin never went back to sing ever again well expect when he got the star he took a picture with the star that was about it)
people gave me money after the day was over I went to a restaurant and counting it I had 300 perfect I put it in my pocket then went home I went in to see my mom with her note book in her hand sleep on the couch I smiled I kissed her forehead then put the blanket over her I went to my room I had a text it was shay "Hey Justin what's up I haven't talked to you in a while"She said "I been busy what's up"I said "Nothing I been bored would you like to come over my parents are out of town" she said "No I'm good with staying home I know you want sex but I'm not ready I'm still a virgin"I said she laughed "So you got the memo well when you ready I'm here" She said "I have to go get ready for bed" I said "Alright bye Justin"She said "Bye shay" I said we hung up I got ready for bed I always loved going to bed early so I got in bed and laid there thinking of Selena beautiful face

Selena Gomez
"good night everybody have a safe trip home love you all"I said then went backstage I went on instagram "6 more months till my birthday then I get to see my Toronto beauties"I typed after I went to the tour bus I seen my friend Taylor here I screamed hugging her "Girl what you doing here"I said "I can't see my best friend"She asked "Well of course you can"I said "So are we going shopping tomorrow"I asked she nodded "So any guys asked you out yet"She asked "Girl please no I'm single and would like to stay single"I said she smiled "That's good so how's the family"She asked "it's good my little sister is a doll I need to visit my dad and his wife and little Victoria but other that that everyone is great"I said she nodded "So what about you any Boys besides Calvin"I asked "Me and Calvin broke up"She said "Wow what happened" I said "We were in public he was staring at some chicks ass and I seen him looking I confronted him he tried to say he wasn't and knowing me being cheated on in the past I got fragile and upset he left me standing there then days later he broke up with me I felt so sad because I thought we were in love"She said I hugged her "Then maybe it's time to focus on you because I remember the drama between me and Miley over nick it wasn't worth it he wasn't worth it now I'm single and loving it hell I been since 2008 and it's now 2016 I been single for that long and it's been awesome"I said "Easy for you I have to date a guy my manager says it's good for my image"She said "What kind of manager you have that's is not good because that's called Publicity stunt that's what they had me to with Taylor Lautner until I stood my ground"I said "Yea my manager had me date him too"She said "so it's too late but tomorrow we should go shopping tomorrow"I said "Totally I need a new dress for the Award show Sunday"She said "Yea I'm not going"I said "And besides I'm on tour I can't"I said "They say anyone whose on tour cant attend award shows because they might have to Change up the days"I said "Oh yea I know what you mean"She said "Anyway I'm really tired girl so I'm about to go to sleep"I said "Alright I'll see you in the morning"She said I kissed her cheek "Night"We said I went to my room getting ready for bed I went on twitter "Doing a follow spree really right now spam up"I typed a lot or people showed love one guy was all like he couldn't wait to see me July 23 he also said it would be his time first meeting me in a meet and greet he seemed nice so I followed him then after following a few more people I went to bed

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