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He woke up in a new land. A blocky, beautiful land.

He desperately wished he could had forgetten where he came from. The pain from his previous wounds were nothing compared to his past. That's why he decided to start anew, and do what he has always done. Build, and build and build his troubles away.

He managed to remember himself shaping the world he was currently in, also reshapinghis appearance in hopes of evade the demons that haunted him. He patiently shaped the world to his liking, hoping to drown out his sorrow and fear.

He looked around, the fresh smell of grass lingered in his nostrils, he liked this world he had created. He loved it. He loved everything about it, but there was more he could create, much, much more.

With a snap of his fingers, he created trees, flowers, mountains, lakes, rivers. He also created seas and majestic waterfalls. He then created the clouds in the sky, a dome that he designed to cover the land, and shaped the blocky sun and moon. As he built, his troubles all faded away, washed down the stream of time.

After all those, he still decided that wasn't enough, he created magnificent landscapes and biomes, then caves and carverns, adding depth to the land itself.

Hmm, he thought, there can't be an infinate layer of blocks, maybe I shall create something at the bottom of the world as well.

He swept his hand across the land, the grass did not move, but he could feel himself manipulating the code of the world. He could feel blocks rippling and changing under his command. He could feel bedrock being formed, to prevent others from falling into the infinate abyss, the void.

Yet, in the the void, a presence was created.

He felt the presence, and salvaged the piece of code from the void. It was the first being he had created, though not intentionally.

He could feel that the being he had created was strong, with immense power that shocked even him, which would only be awakened if it was returned to the void. Still, it was a indirect result of this world he's created, a being that came to life when this world did. One look at it, and it was like he had caught a glimpse of what is to come in the future, like a grand plan unfurling right before him. This piece of code, if shaped into a being, is destined to play an enormous role. In fact, this is the first original being in this world, one that would decide if this world Notch himself created would rise or fall.

  It shocked Notch to his core, that it would be this being who holds the fate of this world in their hands, instead of its creator.

  He glanced at the swirling piece of code in his hands, contemplating what to do with it. He held it gingerly, as if it might blow up in his face any moment. If fallen into the wrong hands, he had no doubt it could become a fearsome weapon that could destroy everything he had created. But he's a creator, not a destroyer. As he looked at it, he could feel the life humming within. His own empathy intinctively kicked in. No, he wouldn't destroy it.

  Hmm, he thought, the best way would be to raise it, shape it, try to nurture it to protect this world. It had a consciousness, and he wouldn't dare think what would happen this world if he did try to put an end to it.

  So he made up his mind.

He shaped the piece of code as he imagined, until it took on a human form, sculping it with a creator's love for his creation, until he was satisfied with his work. He wouldn't be alone any longer. This being could help him build, and with his influence, would be, like him, a benevolent and life giving creator.

He looked across the land, he hasn't named it yet, but he thought of what he or others could do in the world. They could create using other objects, and could search for precious materials.

Speaking of precious materials, he spread his hand, and precious gems and ores appeared in the ground. Deep deep underground. Hidden treasures, waiting for its inhabitants to explore and utilize.

How would others be able to take and collect those objects, then?

He smiled, he had just the name for the beautiful land he had created.


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