Chapter 18 Conflict and Confusion

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Herobrine bolted up again, only this time, his clock told him that it was morning in the overworld again.

Groaning, he crawled out of his newly repaired bed. He was not a morning person.

Notch used to insist that he wake up early, but now, since following Israphel, he let him sleep until at least noon, as he had to attack cities and villages.

Speaking of that, he was getting nervous. As he got himself ready, he was worried about whether Israphel would know about his hesitation with attacking the villages and cities. He knew the Devil had no mercy and would not hesitate to kill him if he dared to defy him. And that, was already an act of treason.

He hoped that Israphel remained ignorant about the existence of Kara Skylen. As much as he didn't know a lot about the girl, he still didn't want her to get hurt, or worse, killed. Israphel would certainly view her as an obstical, interfering with Herobrine and would not stop at anything until this obstical was removed.

Speaking of Kara, he wanted to go see her.

He hasn't been to the overworld for days, and would surely seem suspicious. He would have to be quick.

So he teleported to the overworld, as a black hood and cloak materialized right next to him. He put the cloak on and slipped the hood over his face, covering his eyes. He didn't want anybody recognizing him.

He willed his eyes to dim so they no longer glowed and would not give away his identity.

He teleported to Hessif, and made sure that his hood covered his eyes and the top half of his face while he could still see, before he stepped out from the tree he was hiding behind of.

And he immediately slunk back. He was afraid of being seen, and every time he thought about talking to Kara made him nervous.

So he clambered up the tree in the outskirts of the city, hiding among the lush leaves of the giant oak, and waited.

Creepy? Yep. But since he didn't have to courage to talk to her, that was the closest he could get to her.

Surely, Kara wouldn't wander from the safety of the city, wouldn't she? Herobrine's heart sank after a few hours. She wouldn't come out, and he was being stupid.

But just as he was about to leave, a flicker of movement caught his attention.

It was Kara.

She was probably taking a stroll, and she was heading towards the forest. Herobrine grinned. Great, now he could follow her.

His eyes followed Kara as she entered the forest, and he leapt from his oak tree, silently and stealthily, flying in the air, shadowing her, silent as a ghost.

She stopped, in the middle of the forest, Herobrine flew closer, just to see a grave.

He heard a strange sound, which he had never heard close up before and his eyes widened just to see Kara crying, in the forest, supposedly alone, away from those other people.

He felt awkward, but he watched as she sobbed for a few minutes, before stopping. She sat down before the grave, and seemed to be talking to it.

"Mom," her voice cracked with emotion," I am sorry. I am sorry wasn't the child you wanted me to be."

Then her voice hardened," I know I should have killed him, but I can't. I don't have the strength. I failed you. I had that one chance, and I ruined it.

I know I should have avenged you, I want to do that, but Mom, when I looked into his eyes, you know what I saw?

They weren't soulless and empty. I saw it, Mom. He is just as afraid as I am. I don't know how to explain it,'s true. "

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