Chapter 20 Struggle of Thoughts

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Notch watched, as Herobrine plunged downwards, his pure white eyes filled with vengeance and anger, his pickaxe aiming at his heart.

The wind whistled past his ears as he plummeted, his thoughts were focused so intently on crushing Notch, the one who had lied to him, kept the truth from him, neglected him. He would be the Avenger, to take back all the things his so called brother had taken from him.

He saw Notch bracing himself, still defiant, determined to stare into the eyes of his enemy as he died. He mentally sneered, that was what his own pride had got him, and he was still stubbornly clinging onto it. Typical of him.

Just before Herobrine buried his pickaxe in Notch's heart, a something slammed into him, sending him off balance and flying to the side.

Herobrine regained his balance in mid air, and saw that the something had slammed into his side, knocked him sideways was a kid, but he frowned at the kid's appearance as he looked weird. He had grey horns growing out from his scalpt, with large, leathery black wings producing from his back, flapping to keep him in the air, and a long back tail.

He didn't look any older than eighteen, but Herobrine was surprised by his strength, it was inhumanly strong. And there was some kind of familiarity between the boy and something else which Herobrine couldn't exactly put his finger on.

He narrowed his eyes, what kind of kid was he to get into his way? He was furious.

And with a yell, he slashed at the boy with his pickaxe, as the boy revealed grey claws on his fingertips, and blocked his blade, and lashing out as his face.

Herobrine easily dodged the claw and teleported behind the boy. Unfortunately, he forgot about the boy's black wings.

Smack! He got slapped, hard, on the face, by the beating wing, the boy whirled quickly, the black scales at his jawline glitted, his glowing purple eyes, which Herobrine only noticed just now were reptilian slits, were narrowed even further.

Then it clicked. The black scales, the grey claws, the huge, leathery black wings, the tail, the horns, and those purple eyes.

Those features were Drake, the Ender Dragon's.

An Ender Dragon hybrid.

Entity was also stunned by the hybrid boy's appearance, and as he flew to put an end to Notch, who was still trying to pull himself out of the fiery spear, a highly concentrated beam of water hit him, shooting him out of the sky. How he hated water.

He regained his bearings just to see his attacker, a young man about the age of twenty, with a white, fish like tail producing from the bottom of his spine. There were also large , light purple spikes all across his back. His eyes were red, like rubies, and his face was also covered by some spikes, only significantly smaller. Another hybrid, by the looks, an Elder Guardian.

Herobrine lashed out with his pickaxe, and the boy blocked the blade with the hard scales on his forearm, acting like a gauntlet. The pickaxe failed to dig fully into the soft flesh, but the tip still grazed him. The boy grimaced at the pain, as purple blood oozed out of the wound.

Herobrine watched the purple blood, which the same colour as Drake's.

He suddenly got a strong sense of deja vu. His head swum. And those startling purple eyes seemed to be everywhere. Glaring at him. Everything swum and went fuzzy, flitting around, as if he was in a quantum asteroid field.


And suddenly, something exploded against him, tearing apart the tissues at his side, and sent him flying sideways yet again, he saw his attacker, which was another boy, about fifteen to sixteen, with pure white eyes like the Wither, and a crown of spikes ringing his face. His skin was the colour of the Wither in his human form, and there was also a tail, made entirely of charred bones. A Wither hybrid.

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