Chapter 8 Exile

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  "Pray tell," the Wither said, hovering, listening to Brine as he talked about Dreadlord and Arcanist, and his resentment against Notch. How he didn't truly care about him, and got his head in the clouds, the Aether almost most of the bloody time.

  "Brine," Wither said once he was finished, his expression troubled," I know this is true. I know Notch has been neglecting you, neglecting everybody else."

  Brine nodded, and the Wither continued," but you must stick to your current path. You have to be a good person. A protector of Minecraftia. Don't let your doubts and resentment sway you from your current course, like Dreadlord and Arcanist were."

  "I won't," Brine promised, but his words sounded slightly different. Was he sure that wouldn't? He didn't even know. Was there even a purpose in doing good anymore? He did it before because Notch said so, and he wanted to live up to his brother's expectations, but now, consumed by doubts and resentment, along with neglect, he wasn't so sure anymore.

  He then said goodbye and headed back home, where, he laid on the bed thinking about the some thing over and over again.

  What is it in for me if I do good?

  The next morning, he was woken by an angry yell," Brine?"

  He bolted up straight out of bed, he grabbed his diamond sword, and crept out of his room, to the living room. He relaxed noticeably when he said that it was Notch.

  The bad news was, he looked angry.

  "What were you thinking, not telling me you have powers?" Notch bellowed," and that you actually died and went to the void and back?"

  "What do you mean?" Brine played dumb.

  "This is serious, Brine," Notch said, his tone still the angry tone.

  "What are you even talking about?" Brine could feel his anger rise. Sure, he had done those things, but Notch had no right to yell at him for that.

  "Don't lie, Brine. You know what exactly I am talking about. I saw everything up in the Aether."

  Brine seemed to deflate, he knew. He saw everything, and probably heard everything down the Nether as well.

  "I wanted to tell you at first," Brine said," but then, I am determined to find out the truth. By myself, since you won't tell.

  " But then, I found out that you have been keeping secrets of your own! I asked you, so many times about what had happened in the Nether six years ago, and you told me it was nothing. Well you better tell me that you had actually used the ban hammer to banish Israphel and Entity 303 then passed out for days!"

  Notch had the nerve to look surprised," How do you know all that?"

  "Not telling you," Brine said coldly," what kind of brother does that? And since you have been so happily roaming the Aether and being the king on 'Top of the World', you have forgotten my existence. I am surprised as well that you came at all!"

  "Your powers are dangerous, Brine," Notch said sternly," if you don't know how to use it, I will have to take it again."

  "Again? You took them in the first place?" Brine was utterly shocked.

  Notch's expression didn't change, although a slight moment of fear flickered upon his face," I am saying, I will have to take it this time."

  "I can tell you, I never had powers before I went to the void, but I got them after that, and I even got a sense that I belonged there! What the Nether is bloody wrong with you, not telling me, brother?"

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