Chapter 7 Doubts

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"Why? They were once in the Defenders trio with you," Brine asked.

Shaman grunted," Kid, those two are up to no good. They had done enough. I don't want to involved with anything that includes them."

"Alright," Brine said, "well, in that case, bye."

"See ya," Shaman said, as Brine took to the air.

Brine flew west, the cold wind rushing and parting before his face, and he struggled to keep his eyes open against the strong stinging of the wind.

It was getting dark, and the sky was turning a shade of orangish red, but he was determined to catch those two raiders.

He scanned the landscape below him, he was in an extreme hills biome, he looked from left to right to see any secret entrances.

His eyes acted like spotlights in the dark, glowing faintly so he could see, but not actually lighting up the entire landscape, kind of like night vision glasses.

He would had missed those two figures if his eyes and the torches they were holding didn't glow.

He saw two figures below him, laughing and chatting. He was too far up to make out their exact wordings, but he saw a purple cloak, and a bluish grey suit, and he had them pegged straight off as Dreadlord and Arcanist.

 He was too far up to make out their exact wordings, but he saw a purple cloak, and a bluish grey suit, and he had them pegged straight off as Dreadlord and Arcanist

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He flew lower, he wanted to follow them to their lair, so he could find the stolen treasures. He was confident that the two couldn't see him. They wouldn't suspect an air raid anyway.

Brine made the glow in his eyes dim, but even when dimmed, he could see the two, as they were holding torches, and the moonlight was bright enough for him to see. He flew behind him, so they would have a lesser chance of spotting him.

They walked until they spotted a cave entrance, they went in, and Brine followed stealthily, keeping himself airborne so he wouldn't need to bother about masking his footsteps.

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