Chapter 16 The Spark

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He teleported to a random village, and started laying waste, his pickaxe passed through the air, slicing at everything that stood in his way. He laughed as dead bodies fell to the ground. He was enjoying it, killing for sport.

He deflected a coming arrow, and sent the arrow flying back, piercing the archer that had launched it from its bow.

He then swiped his hand, and dozens of armoured villagers flew backwards like rag dolls, their screams piercing the air.

However, more kept coming, even the ones that were thrown off their feet. Herobrine shook his head, villagers never learn.

He blasted energy outwards in every direction, creating a shockwave that knocked people off their feet once more.

The Minecraftians and villagers groaned as they tried to get up, but a few swipes from Herobrine cut them down.

"Notch will come, and justice will be upon you!" A Minecraftian said as he swung his iron sword.

Herobrine easily blocked his sword and twisted it out of his hand," I don't care."

Then he stuck one side of the pickaxe's scythe like blades into the Minecraftian's chest, then swiftly pulled out the blade to let his victim slowly thrash and die.

He burnt the village to the ground, careful to leave no more than five survivors to spread the tale, to spread the terror across the land. But since Steve and Alex both intervened to stop them, they had already heard of them. Now it was up to Notch to stop them or not, for him to make the decision to attack them or just hand over the world. Either way, they would get Minecraftia.

The next place Herobrine flew to was a city, the first one he had ever attacked. It was way bigger than the villages before, but also more heavily guarded. Either way, he would bring it down, block by block.

The city was ringed with a cobblestone wall, with sentries patrolling it. And also some guards that would go on patrol duty to patrol the outskirts of the city to identify any dangers.

The city he flew to was called Hessif, one of the smaller cities spread across the blocky landscape. There were only a dozen or so cities in Minecraftia, while the rest of the population lived in army bases, towns, which were even smaller than cities, villages, and some individual houses or mansions.

The cities were way more civilized than the other settlements, with cars, roads, restaurants, and even skyscrapers, just everything anyone would happen to find in a modern city.

Some of the Minecraftians scorned cities, preferring to live off the land, but the those who lived in cities had some more fancier and higher tech, like for example they had guns and cannons, instead of just swords, bows, axes and the more primative weapons. But there was one downside to the more advanced weapons, was that they couldn't be enchanted.

Even at night, the city was still buzzing with activity, there were sources of light literally everywhere, lighting up the city, even though it was already a time when people were supposed to be sleeping.

He teleported into the city and laid waste to one of the houses, which resulted in an explosion that alerted the other neighbours to his existence.

The neighbours stumbled out with blurry eyes, but even their eyes wouldn't mistake the man with glowing white orbs on his face.

Herobrine's hands burned with a white fire, and when the he thrust out his hand at the gawking neighbours, the white fire raced forward, wiping them from the face of existence, turning them into charred piles of ash.

He then moved onward on his pathway of destruction, but when he strutted forward, some residents had already came out of their houses, bleary eyed, he smirked, he would destroy them all.

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