Chapter 3 Nether Crisis

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Brine gulped, he sure was screwed.

  "What do you want?" Brine asked, and judging from Entity's expression, he had asked the right question.

  Entity grinned," I want to offer you a deal."

  "Spit it out," Brine said curtly, not taking his eyes off Entity's blade.

  "Don't sound hostile, bone-meal eyes," Entity sneered, as Brine snarled at his nickname, but he didn't speak.

  " Now, if you assist us, join our side, we can unlock your power," Entity said," and in return, you can rule alongside me, and my master. The world of Minecraftia will be ours."

  "My power?" Brine asked.

  "Yes," Entity's eyes gleamed," all we need is you to turn to our side."

  Brine rethought the offer, but was he so rash to betray his brother? Also, he never liked Entity. What would make him change his mind now? He had created the world with Notch together, he wouldn't want it taken over by someone besides him and Notch.

  "Are you real?" Brine asked instead.

  Entity hissed," Why would you ask that?"

  "I just want to see if it is really you, not any imposter," Brine said.

  Entity sighed, and spread his hands," It is really me."

  "Then I can tell you my answer," Brine said, then said the answer softly, so softly that Entity couldn't hear it.

  Entity scowled and leaned in," Speak up, boy."

  "The answer is no," Brine said, and hit Entity's jaw with a right hook, catching him off guard. Judging from the loud crack, Brine had broken his jaw.

  Entity stumbled backwards, holding his jaw with his left hand, and suddenly vanished in a flash of red particles, before reappearing, with the sword in Brine's chest.

  Brine gasped for air, but blood came out of his lips instead, he was starting to slip into unconsciousness, his eyelids began to feel heavy, and everything went black.

  He fell, into a place without time and space, code flashed around him, ones and zeros, and he was in a tunnel made of them, glowing and pulsing. For a brief moment, Brine saw Minecraftia for what it truly was, it had all been made of code. Every single thing was made out of those ones and zeros.

  He fell through the tunnel for so long, until he finally landed on his back in a white landscape, with nothing in sight.

  He stood up, the pain in his chest was gone, and every single wound he had received was gone, replaced by scars. He was completely bewilded. He was supposed to be dead, how did he get to this weird place?

  He looked around, there was nothing, just white, pure white. No matter how far he walked, he couldn't see a single thing except for white.

  He looked up, and there was something, a huge greyish, blackish ceiling, but that was hundreds of blocks above him. With nothing he could use, he couldn't check out the ceiling.

  But being in that place, somehow, he felt a slight sense of familiarity, like he was supposed to be there, that was his supposed home.

  He shook his head, pushing those thought and feelings out his head. Right now, he needed to focus. He needed to find a way to get out of there.

  Suddenly, a doorway appeared before him when he had the thought of getting out of the place, there was nothing but blackness beyond the doorway.

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