Chapter 21 Realization

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He fell, once again, through the farmiliar darkness. He fell once again through the glowing tunnel of code.

Why me? He thought as he plummeted to a place he was sure to visit again, the void.

No biggie, I would just get out again, he shrugged it off, and when he hit the bottom, everything went back yet again.

He groaned as he opened his eyes, he was yet again in a landscape of whiteness and nothing in sight. He looked up the see the layer of bedrock. Yep, he was in the void all right.

He was sure he had passed out for a while, which wasn't surprising, considering that he had been hit on the head by the ban hammer, and had used a lot of his power during the battle.

He wondered how the others were doing. Had Israphel taken over the Aether?

Once he thought about Israphel, his head erupted in an excruciating pain, even worse than before, like something was pulling something from his mind violently. He gasped and clutched his head, before he finally passed out from the pain that was tearing into his skull.

He woke again, to find the headache gone, but he was now a sea of glowing blue code, which stretched out as far as the eye could see, gently bobbing up and down but generally staying in the same position.

He was confused, but he didn't dare move. But he felt better than he had in weeks, as if a massive weight had been lifted off his shoulders, a cloud of smoke that had been bothering him, confusing his sight was blown away. For once, his thoughts were truly clear, not just like the short moments of clarity had experienced with Kara.

It shocked him, but then he realized that the reason his headaches were gone was that the violent thoughts were gone, and there was the welcoming clarity. He didn't understand it, but his thoughts were his again.

He didn't know why, but somehow, relief flooded through him, he was glad that the violent, controlling thoughts were gone.

He knew that the thoughts had something to do with Israphel, he just knew it, but he was still confused. How could his thoughts become so violent in such a short time?

Just as he thought about it, the code around him rippled, and he froze. He was not alone.

"Herobrine," a voice said.

He looke around frantically, but he didn't seem to be able to locate the speaker, the voice came from literally everywhere.

He gulped, he was supposed to be alone in the void, how could another being survive down here?

He had to get away from here, if it was Israphel and he caught him, he knew he would be major trouble.

He moved, but his limbs responded with sluggish movements, as if the code was made of some thick semi liquid, even thicker than lava. Strangely though, he didn't seem to be drowning.

He moved again, but a sharp spike of pain shot through his head, forcing him to stay still.

"Calm, child," the voice said again," the process is not yet complete."

The voice was definitely male, and it resonated across the sea of code, causing echoes.

"Who are you?" Herobrine asked, his eyes alert," Show yourself!"

But the other response shocked him," I cannot. I have no physical form."

"What are you exactly?" Herobrine's eyes flitted everywhere, trying to spot the mysterious so called formless speaker.

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