Chapter 13 Feared

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  Herobrine returned to the fortress after the raid. He burned the entire village to the ground, and completely annihilated it, he heard that Entity had been doing the same.

  Ever since serving Israphel, they had been trading less insults, but they still didn't like each other a lot, just that they had to deal with the other as they were in the same business, and their relationship became better, or to say, more brotherly. They still traded insults, only slightly less hostile ones.

  They left again, to terrorize more villages. With luck, they could actually attack several in one night.

  The village Herobrine went to that time was a desert village, so he teleported inside and got to work.

  He was getting better with teleportation, and becoming less careless with the spots he wanted to teleport to. He weaved through the village's defenses easily, leaving a trail of death and destruction in his wake. Along with charred bodies and bloodied ones as well.

  He flew high into the air, as he heard a deep rumble. Lightning flashed. He smiled, he had an idea.

  He raised his free hand, his left hand towards the sky, drawing the lightning closer, until all the lightning was practically hitting and grouping itself at his hand. Static charge built up, making Herobrine's hair stand up like he was some sort of ET.

  With a yell, he thrust his hand full of lightning at the village, and instantly, lightning and electricity ravaged the entire village, scorching and frying almost every single living being. The sandstone roof and walls helped, as they weren't flammable, but the sheer force of the energy was able to blast through them and reach the living beings inside.

  The last thing the residents would had seen would had been a man hovering in the sky, with bright white eyes, his hand full of lightning, before everything went white before descending into a blackness.

  Herobrine dropped to the ground and mopped up the one or two stragglers and watched as one lone survivor fled into the darkness, even he was impressed by what he had done. Annihilating an entire village with lightning...that was exemplary. Instant kill.

  He then moved to the next village, his appearance causing loud gasps.

  "Lord Brine?" One of the villagers stuttered," W.. what happened to you?"

  "It appears that you haven't heard," Herobrine said nonchalantly, passing his hand over his pickaxe, as if he was itching to use it, which in that case, he was," Brine is gone. I am Herobrine," he pointed to them," and now, if you excuse me, lay down your weapons so I can make your deaths quick."

  "Oh we have heard," the villager said, "what happened? Why are you like this?"

  Another villager chined in," Yeah, remember the time when you were helpful and helped us retrieve our belongings from Dreadlord and Arcanist?"

  Herobrine growled, they were only wasting his time.

  "I don't bloody care."

  His pickaxe enlongated into the two scythe like blades, the glacial blue diamond gleaming under the moonlight, dancing with a white flame. With a roar, he attacked.

  He shot bolts of fire at the village houses, and scythed down the villagers before him.

  He ignored their cries, as they meant absolutely nothing to him. Villager blood spurted everywhere, and Herobrine would occasionally blast a few houses into shreds, or electrocute villagers so he could watch them twitch.

  The villagers didn't even defend themselves. They kept crying for him to change, for Brine to come back.

  "Don't you understand," Herobrine hissed as he pulled a villager close, and made sure the villagers around him heard what he said," Brine is gone for good."

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