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Across the centuries, people had been claiming to had seen the legendary being and his pure white eyes, but they were nothing more than rumours. The legend of the legendary Herobrine lived on, as a myth, a legend that nobody was sure ever existed.

Team Hybrid, as they called themselves, Seth, Elijah, Bemo, Caspar and Joshua had settled down, and started families of their own, passing on their special powers and abilities, as the years passed and they passed away. However, very few of their descendants showed any sign of having any powers, and some, like Elijah's line, had experienced genetic mutation.

Herobrine had wandered the wilds of Minecraftia, occasionally going on small rampages, like killing a handful of people due to the remnants of the curse, but as the years passed, he passed into the myths, until what he did was kill for fun and did some minor griefing(destroying or manipulating the creations of others for fun).

There were no sign of Entity, but Herobrine had actually gone after him, chasing at any lead he could find, but he never managed to find him.

As for Israphel, his soul, or what was left of him, was imprisoned in the Nether, in a top security prison, in the section of the Nether where the souls of the dead dwelled, bound by multiple enchantments, and most importantly, a magical glass sphere.

The Ender Dragon, Drake, had respawned in the End, and was ruling yet again as the ruler there, so did the Wither, and the dimensions went back to their usual calm and peace.

Over the years, Steve, Alex, and the Defenders had actually tried to seek out Herobrine, but when he didn't wish to be found, he could actually hide pretty well, discovering more of his powers on the way, and meditating, of course. He never again achieved the power which he used to defeat Israphel, but he had named it his most formidable move, Lord of the Blades, which could strike fear into anybody who had heard of it, considering its power.

After five hundred years, Notch had decided it was time for Hero to finally settle down. He unfroze Kara, who had been frozen in time and in a coma for five centuries, and let her out to the world, in hopes that Herobrine would find her.

Herobrine had long ago deserted love, but once he saw Kara yet again, the five hundred year old spark was lit once more. And as they were not in any kind of crisis, they officially began their romance.

Herobrine moved to the Nether, and the Wither gave up his throne to him, which he reluctantly accepted due to him killing Wither, but Wither had already forgiven him, and the two once again became close friends, along with Drake.

A few years later, Kara and Herobrine were married, and then, they gave birth to a son, named Skybrine, also known as Adam Skylen or Sky.

The light and goodness of Kara and Sky were able to plant a seedling of goodness inside Herobrine, vanquishing the curse for good.

For three years, the family were happy, and Sky grew up, blissfully ignorant of the dangers of the world, since Herobrine was the king of the Nether, and he had nothing to worry about.

Evidently, things had to go wrong.

Entity, the hooded hacker, had found out about Hero's wife, and murdered her in cold blood before Herobrine, before fleeing again, dropping out of the radar once more.

Herobrine was consumed in rage and grief, and swore to himself he would never again lose anyone he deemed his family, but he knew Sky could no longer be safe at his side. He wiped his memories clean and sent him to the current king and queen of the Budder Kingdom, which he knew he would be in good hands, regularly checking on him to see if he was alright. He also passed the amulet of the Skylen family to Sky, and told him to never lose it before he had his memories wiped.

He then gathered Wither and Drake, whom agreed to band together a group of powerful individuals to stop Entity if he ever attempted to rise again. Notch also helped, and Wither chose Jason Probst, who was descended from Caspar the first Wither hybrid, to be the future hybrid. Drake chose Tyler Ellis, who was descended from Joshua, to be the Ender Dragon hybrid, 2.0.

Notch then found several more potential candidates, like Quentin, the mudkip hybrid who was descended from Elijah, and had experienced some major genetic mutation, but had retained some of his powers. He found Mitch, of the rangers. He then found Jerome, the bacca with the bravest and truest heart, Seto, the sorceror who was descended from Seth, the first sorceror, and Ian, who had a powerful entity living within him, Derp Ssundee, who could be a powerful ally if was being able to be triggered and came to an agreement the right way.

They agreed to band them into a team, to be the protectors of Minecraftia, if danger ever rose again, like Entity or Null, or Dreadlord and Arcanist, who had left the Defenders in a few years after the war.

And after they met, they became quick friends, and quickly formed a team, namely, Team Crafted, defeating different bosses, going on kickass adventures, getting into tons of trouble, taking down evil, and basically saving the world already.

Until one day, when Herobrine was gazing out at his Nether kindom, he felt a spark. His son, Skybrine, had triggered his powers.

He knew that would be the beginning of a new cycle, pulling him into battle, pain, bloodshed and uncertainty yet again, but he wasn't afraid. He was willing to answer the call.

He teleported, disappearing from his spot in a flash of purple particles.


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