Chapter 9 Falling

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"Come on, Drake, I am bored to death here!" Brine yelled. He had been stuck in the gloomy landscape for about a month, and he had been restless, pestering the dragon to let him out the last few days.

"Sorry not sorry, can't help you," the Ender Dragon shrugged.

"What do you want?" Brine asked.

"What do you mean?" The dragon cocked his head, confused.

"Aww, come on, there must be something you want," Brine insisted.

" I want friends, alright?" Drake said, annoyed at Brine's constant pestering.

Brine was stunned. He had been pestering the dragon, trying to strike a deal with him to get himself out of the dark landscape, and was ultimately surprised by this one simple wish.

Drake looked at him, his stunned face, and the fact thcat he was too shocked to answer," What? A dragon can't have friends?"

"You mean that you are..." Brine tensed at the word," lonely?"

"Yes," he said simply.

"You have tons of Endermen with you!" Brine said, exasperated.

"They respect me, "the dragon stated,"and let's face it, they treat me like a king. Every time I tried to treat them as an equal I failed, so..." he shrugged the best he could,"I could use a friend."

Brine considered his words, before realizing that the same thing happened to him as well. The people in the overworld always treated him as a superior class, with him being the brother of the creator. Who had sort of disowned him. He realized the reason he went to train so much was that he was lonely and didn't have much to do, much less spending time with friends. Another reason that he resented Notch. Notch didn't care about his social life, and Steve and Alex sort of looked down on him. Without friends to pull him back on the right course and rein in his train of negative thoughts, they naturally became more and more dominant, until even the Wither, his first true friend, was unable to do so as well.

The dragon's words echoed in his ears," I could use a friend."

The way that the dragon said that so simply, so directly, Brine had realized that he was asking him.

Despite the fact that Drake had been a jerk to him almost every second of his time in the End, and keeping the information of escape to himself, he couldn't actually say no. Here the mighty Ender Dragon was, asking for the lonely man to be his friend.

How was Brine supposed to refuse?

"Sure," Brine said," I mean, I will be more than happy to be your friend."

Drake smiled, and Brine had no idea how he did it, he just knew it was rare for such a proud creature to ever even smile, a tiny gesture of happiness. He had a feeling that Drake was on the beginning on trying to trust him.

"Thank you," he rumbled, in his deep, draconic voice.

Brine's chest suddenly felt warm, he was confused by it, but it seemed to be a result of his own happiness.

He patted the dragon's snout, his scales hard yet smooth to the touch," No problem, man."

"I am not a man," Drake said, confused, "why would you ever refer me to one?"

Brine facepalmed," It's just a phrase dude."

"Now," Brine looked at Drake," do we have a deal?"

"You have got to be kidding me," the dragon snorted.

"Alright, fine, since you are so unwilling to help," Brine said, throwing up his hands," I am out of options, and I need to get outta here, please!"

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