Chapter 15 Invasion of the Dimensions (part 2)

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  Alex nimbly danced out of the way of Entity's sword, and slashed out with her dagger.

  Entity teleported when her dagger threatened to tear into his skin, but he was a split second too late, black blood flowed from the wound.

  He glared at Alex, a murderous look on his face," You will pay for this!"

  Alex shrugged," Gotta catch me first."

  Entity was about to respond when a flash of green flashed before his eyes, he ducked and dodged the young woman's dagger. Alex opened her palm as her dagger flew back into it.

  Entity teleported behind Alex, but Alex had already moved from her original position, leaving Entity confused, before her emerald daggers flashed again.

  Damn, she's fast, Entity thought. He wasn't slow, but even he wasn't lightning fast like her.

  Her emerald daggers appeared out of nowhere, nicking him here and there, he blocked some of her attacks, but as Alex deflected his sword, she kicked him in the most painful spot imaginable.

  Entity yowled like a wounded puppy and teleported away, clutching his crotch, a moment of fear flashed past his face.

  Before he could have a moment to recover, Alex tossed her daggers straight up into the air, slung her bow off her back, and with lightning speed, nocked several arrows and shot them at Entity.

  A glowing red shield of fiery energy flared up in front of Entity, turning the arrows into ashes before they could touch him.

  Alex's daggers landed in her hands again, as she once again shouldered her bow, and launched for Entity once again.

  This is actually going pretty well, she thought.


  Israphel launched himself at Wither, who quickly flew out of the way, Steve sprinted towards the Wither, ready to protect and fight alongside him.

  The Wither closed his eyes, and suddenly, in a swirl of grey smoke, he transformed. Into his human form, the golden crown sitting snugly atop his head.

  Herobrine's pickaxe appeared in his hand. His eyes fixed on Wither. He had known him, but only vaguely, with blurry memories. He remembered that they had talked, but what exactly he didn't remember.

  He shook those thoughts out of his head and trained his eyes on the Wither. Israphel had always taught him to keep his eyes on the prize and the enemy. Here Wither was, the only thing standing between him and the domination of the Nether.

  Well he was sure as heck that he would have to put him down, and it wouldn't be hard, wouldn't it?

  Israphel's black trident appeared in his hand, hissing and cracking with orange lightning and energy, as Wither stretched out his left hand, and a scepter made of blackened bones appeared in his hand. The tip of the scepter was like a spear, sharp, and could be a lethal weapon. Funny that Herobrine had only noticed the fact that he was left handed at the moment.

  The Wither kept his glowing white eyes on his enemies, while keeping Steve in his sight, he couldn't lose a valuable ally, and Alex was busy keeping Entity busy, so he would have to try keep Steve alive.

  Without warning, Herobrine flew through the air like a bullet, swinging his pickaxe at the two.

  Wither dodged, and threw a wither bomb at him, causing him to teleport away and had to come at him again.

  Isrpahel twirled his trident, and shot orange lightning out from his trident. Steve positioned his shield in front of himself and Wither, Captain America style, and they were left unscathed.

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