Author' Final Note

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Thank you all for reading this book. I really didn't believe my eyes when I saw that it had over 1k reads.

I wanted to thank those has been reading, voting, commenting and following on the way, @writingselfless, stormcause, and a few more others, thank you for your support so that I could finish the story.

Actually, I had typed an original version of this story before, but even for six chapters it was so crappy that I couldn't continue and have to start anew, namely this book you are currently reading now.

Although the story ends here, the adventure still lives on...

Go read Hybrids of Team Crafted, the sequel for this book, and to tell you, I planned that there will be a book 2 for Hybrids of Team Crafted, only that I haven't started writing yet, although I have a rough idea of how it is going to go, and am still currenly working on the cover. Stay tuned if you don't want to miss it.

So, what do you guys think of this story? I really wanted some feedback about how you think of it. And if you have some ideas for HoTC 2, don't hesitate to voice them out , I will be able to take them into consideration and add some of them, if they are appropriate, into the story.

Last of all, if there is anything you wanted to tell me or ask me, you are welcome to DM me anytime.

Thanks again for reading, and until next time guys.

The sequel to Hybrids of Team Crafted has already been finished, if you're interested, go read!


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