Chapter 14 Invasion of the Dimensions (part 1)

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As the dragon flew closer, he was surprised by Herobrine's company.

"Brine?" His eyes widened as he asked him in his draconic language.

Herobrine didn't answer, his diamond pickaxe appeared in his hand, the sides extending into scythe like blades, a white flame danced along the edges. He pointed the pickaxe at Drake, as a bolt of searing hot white fire shot towards him.

Drake roared in pain and surprise as the fire came in contact with him, the fire impacted with the base of his wing and his ribcage, and the strength went out of his wing as he fell hard towards the ground, flapping his uninjured wing to slow down his descent.

He collapsed in a heap, as the Endermen went in a protective formation around him, shielding their king from the invaders.

Israphel pointed to the Enders," Kill them!"

With feral howls, roars and moans, the overworld mobs charged towards the Enders.

The Endermen teleported and attacked, but still some fell under the unrelenting creeper explosions. They died instantly, as the cries of mobs from both sides rung in the air.

Israphel landed in front of Drake, who was lying on his side, and struggled to stand," If you want your people to live, step down, and give us the End."

The dragon snarled, baring his sharp teeth," Never will I give you my domain."

Herobrine landed next to Israphel," If I were you, Drake, I would surrender, unless you would like to die."

Drake growled, so loudly that it made their teeth buzz, he muttered under his breath in his language, which only Herobrine could understand," Traitor."

A sharp jab shot through Herobrine's heart, though he recovered swiftly, quick enough not for Israphel to notice.

Then suddenly, the dragon opened his maw, and blasted out bright purple coloured flames at his attackers, Herobrine and Israphel teleported out of the way, but not quickly enough. The fire spread across the island, rejuvenating the Endermen and burning the invaders to ashes. Entity protected himself with an energy shield, while Null dissolved into shadows, before reforming in a safe place.

Herobrine hissed when the flames burned him. He was sure he would heal swiftly and be relieved of the stinging burn, but he was sure the thobbing pain in his chest wouldn't be gone.

He wasn't even sure why his chest thobbed, he wasn't even physically hurt.

"Brine!" The dragon roared at him," you have to stop!"

"Why?" He asked coldly," why would I take orders from a beast?" He spat the last word out with resentment and distaste.

The dragon looked hurt," You are my only friend, Brine, what makes you think that?"

"Friends? No, I see you as the ruler of a useless dimension which needs to be destroyed," Herobrine spat, before raising his pickaxe," Now say goodbye to your life, dragon."

The dragon growled, and spat out purple flames, forcing Herobrine to teleport. He hastily spat the regenerative flames at his wounds, healing them.

He took to the air as Israphel appeared on one of the obsidian towers, watching, observing, but not helping.

Herobrine appeared before the dragon," You can't get away from me, dragon."

"I don't need to," the dragon said and flew forward, his claws outstretched to kill his former friend, someone who no longer recognized him.

Herobrine dove out of the way swiftly, and shot several white bolts of energy, which Drake dodged with ease.

Drake flew closer, before suddenly teleporting, leaving Herobrine confused, until a searing pain erupted at his back as the dragon's talons slashed across it.

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