Chapter 23 Freed

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  She was knocked backwards by the powerful blast, even though the blast didn't physically hurt her, she felt it reveberate through the myth.

  A swirling doorway of white mist appeared, and when the mist cleared, there was a man standing there, his white eyes startlingly bright, but they were not bright with evil nor malice, they were bright with a warmth Kara had never seen, full of joy, full of bliss.

  Kara immediately tackled him in a hug, hugging him closely. She could feel Herobrine stiffen, confused, but then swiftly hugged back, tightly, as if he was afraid that she would dissolve into the air any moment.

  "Thank you," he said, for once, he didn't shy away from physical contact, he was too choked up to even say anything, but he managed to say," You saved my life."

  Kara was so happy that she couldn't even speak, she nodded, a glimmering line of happiness rolled down her cheek.

  "It's good to see you too," she said, before hugging even closer," I thought I would never see you again."

  "Seems like somebody's been missing me, huh?" He managed a chuckle, but his sight was getting blurry, as something threatened to roll down his own cheeks. But for once, he didn't hold them back.


  He pulled away, and saw the dirt ground was on fire for a brief second, he found Kara staring at him with an incredulous expression.

  "What?" He asked.

  "Your tears," Kara said, grinning with awe and  admiration," they are made of lava."

  He wiped his eyes dry, and sure enough, his tears were lava. He had never shed a tear for such a long time, he had forgotten how that felt like.

  He grinned mischievously, and Kara smiled even wider.

  "I thought I lost you," Kara said," I thought you are gone forever."

  "Me too," Herobrine felt a warm feeling, his brain was screaming at him to do something, but he didn't have the courage to. Yet.

  "It is only by almost losing you did I discover one thing," Kara said, smiling brightly. Her smile was the most beautiful thing Herobrine had seen. Her hair turned a beautiful shade of gold when the sun started to kiss the horizon. His eyes were fixed on those sky blue eyes, those full lips.

  "What was it?" He mumured sleepily, as if in a trance, which of course, he was.

  "I found somebody I love," she said.

  Herobrine's heart sank, but he managed to keep his voice steady," Must be a nice guy."

  Kara giggled, "You have no idea."

  "What are you laughing for?" Herobrine asked, puzzled.

  "Nothing," she smiled," only that he is perfect in every way. He had a dark past, but I believe that he has the strength to overcome it."

  Herobrine's heart ached, he just looked at her, dumbfound," It must be hard to find someone so perfect."

  She burst into laughter," You have no idea."

  "Seriously, Kara, why are you even laughing?" Herobrine said, ignoring the pain in his heart.

  She came closer," Herobrine, that man is here, right now," she smiled," and he is standing right before me."

  Herobrine didn't know what to say, but the air seemed to warm up, and so did his cheeks. He seemed to be weightless, adrift, floating in the sea of code once again.

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