Chapter 4 Power

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  Entity 303 chose the worse time to join the fight.

  He teleported back to Israphel's side, his black sword ready.

  Israphel then pointed his trident at Notch, and shot orange lightning at him.

  Notch's image shimmered like a mirage, one second later, his image was all over the place. After the lightning hit, the images regrouped themselves at Notch's real body, which was completely unharmed. Notch raised an eyebrow," Is that all you have got?"

  Entity then roared, and a wave of red flames raced towards the creator of Minecraftia, but he stood still, his face calm and devoid of any emotion and fear.

  Just before the fire hit him, a shield of glowing, golden lines flared before him, blocking the wave. He didn't even move an inch.

  Entity looked stunned, and Notch chose that moment to attack, lurching forward, faster than a human eye could follow, he had already slammed the side of his sword into Entity's chest, the force sent him flying backwards, but left a shallow wound. Notch didn't want to kill him, yet.

  Notch felt Israphel's trident coming at him, so he blocked the three pronged spear with his sword, and attacked with his other one.

  Despite only having one weapon, Israphel held his own. He used the shaft and the butt of the trident to deflect Notch's attacks, making that even Notch had a hard time winning.

  The lightning crawled up Notch's sword and his arm when the next time their weapons crossed, and Notch nearly let go of his sword, but he managed to hold it, as releasing it could mean certain death.

  Notch had some difficulty trying to fight Israphel, as tridents were not in Minecraft, Israphel had cheated them in, therefore, Notch was forced to learn to fight the three pronged spear in order to survive.

  Entity rejoined the fight, his black sword flashing along Israphel's trident, forcing Notch back.

  Notch swept Entity off his feet and kicked him away, just as Israphel thrust his trident at Notch's left handed sword, forcing it out of his hand. The sword clattered to the ground of the throne room.

  The Wither tried to rise and help, but Notch sent him a glare which meant for him not to interfere.

  As Israphel tried to disarm Notch, Notch twisted his sword away from him and tried to slash as Israphel's waist, only for him to block the blade with the shaft of his trident.

  Notch's second sword flew back to his hand as he bashed Entity's head when he came at him, knocking him out with one powerful blow.

  However, that gave Israphel a chance to attack, orange energy flared, changing into millions of spikes in mid air, flying towards Notch.

  Notch conjured up several protective shields to protect himself, while the spikes disappeared at the touch of the shields.

  Israphel didn't seem discouraged, he spread his hands, and dozens of shadowy tendrils appeared, snaking towards Notch.

  Notch slashed at the tendrils, but for every one he severed, several more took its place, and soon, they were wrapping at Notch's ankles, almost causing him to trip and fall.

  "That's it!" Notch growled and a blast of golden energy hurtled outwards, incinerating the tendrils, blasting them to dust.

  Notch put his diamond swords together, and in a flash of golden light, the diamond swords disappeared, and instead, Notch held a huge hammer in his hands.

  The hammer was made of iron, with sides lined with diamond, with a large word carved at the side,' BAN'.

  Israphel didn't show fear, although he was trembling ever so slightly. Notch only used the ban hammer for extreme cases, and apparently, extreme cases had included him.

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