Chapter 1 Brother

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"Come on Brine!" Notch yelled to his younger brother, whose eyes, curiously, glowed with a soft, white light, lacking any irides or pupils of any kind that he could see.

Brine groaned and followed his elder brother," Why are we doing this again?"

" Come on! It's going to be fun! We can create all sorts of different things!" Notch said, no doubt excited to share his passion of creation with the white eyed boy.

" Yeah, sure. Definitely fun," Brine muttered sarcastically.

" Aw come on! You haven't even tried it yet! Don't be a killjoy, I'll show you!"

Deciding that maybe Notch had a point, Brine gave a shrug and followed him, and gave ideas and suggestions about the animals and plants they will create. How would they look? How would the animals act? With simple snaps of his fingers, Notch created all those beings, and judging from the goofy grin he had on his face ninety percent of the time, he was undoubtly pleased with his work.

Brine simply watched his brother, and the longer he watched, the more he realized his brother was correct. He longed to create. But Notch told promised him that he will be taught the art of creation later, once he was older. Brine was overjoyed, jumping up and down like he was hyped on sugar when he heard the news.

Now that the world and its ecological system was completed, it was time for Notch to create Minecraftians, more human beings, and fill the world with them.

He created a boy, who looked exactly like Brine except for the colour of his eyes, which were regal shade of purplish blue. The boy, like Brine, will grow. And eventually, he will also have powers of creation.

He created a girl, and named her Alex, who had orangish blond hair, who wore an light green shirt, brown pants and grey shoes. The first female on the land.

He was satisfied with what he saw, but he realized that sooner or later, life ends. And when they do, where would they go?

Notch then created different realms, or dimensions if you wanted to call them that way. He created a heavenly world, called the Aether, filled with elegant whites and blues. He then created a fiery landscape, with a great lava sea and was constantly on fire, which was called the Nether. Two realms, two permanent homes for the deceased.

He was satisfied with what he created, and began to teach Brine, who was observing closely, curiously.

Brine kept wondering how could his brother create objects out of the thin air, and was determined to learn.

Notch triggered some of his powers, and taught him to create. At first, Brine struggled. But then Notch told him to concentrate on the thing that he wanted to create, using his imagination.

Brine poured in his power like the way Notch taught him to, as soft white light formed in his hands, creating something with a wooden handle, and a glacial blue, curved piece at the top.

It was a diamond tool.

Notch was stunned that Brine had managed to create a tool, something he hadn't even started with yet. And he had summoned the rarest precious stone with his magic.

Brine too, was surprised. He looked at the tool in wonder, its glacial blue top piece gleaming and glitted in the sunlight, painting the ground blue where the light reflected off it.

Notch named it it a pickaxe. A diamond pickaxe, to be specific, and continued to teach Brine.

He had sent Steve and Alex on their way to live by themselves and learn to survive. He programmed them with the ability to respawn when they were killed. After all, once they were ready, Notch has great plans for them.

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