Chapter 25 Team Hybrid

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  Herobrine summoned a glowing shield of white energy, but he could already feel the furious flames digging into it, eating it away relentlessly, and as he knew, he wasn't that good at defense.

  He pushed at the inferno, but he knew it in his gut that Israphel was too strong. He had been a fool to challenge him, and now, he was about to die because of his stupidity.

  He pushed, but got pushed back instead, along with the shield. All he could do was to prevent the shield getting breached, everything depended on it.

  Israphel then planted his trident on the ground once again, like the way he did in the Aether, and bright orange cracks spread across the landscape. The ground cracked and separated, and lava spewed out of the glowing and growing cracks.

  He dared to look downward, and a sense of hopelessness overwhelmed him. He couldn't do it. Keeping up the shield was already taking up his full concentration, he couldn't fight the cracks at the same time.

  The grass blistered and blackened, the earth turned dry. Mobs and soldiers alike yelled out in alarm, scrambling for safety.

  He groaned as the inferno forced him back even more, the edges of the flames threatened to lick at any entity that came close.

  I can't let that touch anyone on our side, he thought, I can't.

  And suddenly, the push of the inferno lessened, he snuck a peek to see something fighting Israphel. A green figure with emerald daggers.


  "Ah, dear Alexandria," Israphel chuckled," nice to see you again."

  Alex merely snorted," Well, I don't deserve to be called Alexandria by a pig, don't I?"when she heard him speak, and kept on weaving around him, burying her knives in his flesh. But however, Israphel still found ways to block her attacks. She might be fast, but he was strong. And Alex's tiny blades weren't making much of a difference.

  Alex seemed to realize that, she flicked her daggers, and suddenly they expanded into long, slim katanas, also made of emeralds. She held the katanas in her hand, and literally became a green whirlwind of death, giving Israphel headaches. He stomped around, but was never able to catch her as she danced around with unearthy nimbleness.

  As for the Defenders, Steve was protecting them against Entity's furious attacks, again equipped with another shield and enchanted diamond sword. Funny that he almost never runs out of armour and weapons, probably due to the reason that he always loses them when he died, which happened a lot since Herobrine first appeared.

  Now with Alex keeping Israphel busy, Herobrine could at least hold the inferno in place.

  If just for a second.

  He gritted his teeth as the inferno threatened to push him back even further, they were now dangerously close to the castle, and Herobrine could only slow it down.

  He felt his shield threatening to burn away, he silently cursed his rotten luck, he had blocked the inferno in his recklessness, and now the entire castle and armies of Steve and that of the overworld would be to pay for that.

  The edges of the inferno licked at the shield, which was starting to burn away. Even from quite a distance, Herobrine could feel the heat, and dispite that, he was soaked in sweat. Warm lines trickled down his neck as he strained to keep up the failing shield. As if he was pushing against a hundred tonne dinosaur, and losing.

  Suddenly, he could feel the push lessen, he was confused, but then he saw purple flames. He was alarmed, but the purple flames seemed to be pushing against the inferno as well, furiously taking the place where the inferno had burned through.

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