Chapter 2 Warning Signal

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Brine readied himself as the dummy twirled its wooden sword in its hand. He narrowed his white eyes.

He blocked the dummy's attack when it struck. The dummy now struck with more force and velocity, but that wasn't enough to bother Brine.
He freed his sword and counter attacked, the dummy blocked several of his strikes but it was still too slow, it clattered to the ground when Brine chopped it into half.

Notch repaired the dummy every time Brine destroyed it, and after each repair, it got stronger, smarter and faster.

Brine moved like lightning, and struck, the dummy wasn't quick enough to block the blow, and his sword went into its stomach. But as it didn't feel pain, it lashed out at Brine, nicking his cheek.

"Keep your guard up," Notch called over as Brine stumbled back slightly. He quickly kicked the sword out of the dummy's hands, and as it was fumbling for the sword, he chopped its head off.

Finally, Notch announced that the training was over and they should rest. Brine would need his energy to train the next day, and Notch would need to tend to matters in the Aether.

Brine protested, he didn't know how late it was, but even if he knew, he didn't care. All he wanted was to get better and better, so he could protect Minecraftia along with Notch.

Notch's expression hardened," Come on, you can train tomorrow."

Brine protested harder, but Notch cut him off," You are getting tired. You need rest, because I will be tuning up the level of the dummy to the highest level."

As much as Brine liked to train, he didn't want to get on Notch's bad side, he did have a point after all.

So with a lot of grumbling, Brine went to bed. But still, he had an uneasy feeling, as if something bad would happen soon, and he was pretty sure that the outcome would not be pretty.

He tossed and turned, not able to sleep, but when he did, what he saw was unforgettable.

He was walking in the woods, but the light was even darker than usual. The woods gave off an unfriendly vibe. Even the shadows seemed to sprout eyes and seemed to be watching him, stalking his every step.

That made him nervous, he drew his diamond sword, and that calmed him down slightly, at least he had his weapon to defend himself with, not just his bare hands.

He heard hurried footsteps from behind him, he spun, but there was no one there.


He spun, and there was still nobody there.

The leaves rustled behind him, and he spun again, but there was still nobody there.

"Show yourself!" Brine spoke in a demanding tone, his white eyes alert for danger.

He heard laughter from behind him, but he still couldn't see the person.

"I am done with your games," he growled, his diamond sword ready for the kill.

Suddenly a figure sped past him, a leg aimed for his head. Thanks to his fast reflexes, he dodged that, but only narrowly.

He traced the figure to see a person standing there. The person was dressed entirely in white, and a white hood covered his face.

"Who are you? What the Nether are you doing here?" Brine demanded.

The man laughed again, and raised his head.

His skin blended into the night, but his eyes were ruby spotlights, glowing bright. He smirked, showing his yellow, pointed teeth.

"May I ask," the man drawled," what are you doing here, pup?"

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