Chapter 6 The Defenders

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  "Not my biological brother?" Brine was surprised," but he said we are brothers!"

  "He might be lying, but again, I cannot be sure," Wither said," although you may not be true biological brothers, you can still be, metaphorically, his brother."

  "This is crazy," Brine muttered. Notch had been hiding a lot from him, and he had only scratched the surface of what he had hid from him, but not the information Notch had been unwilling to share.

  "Then what do you know about Entity 303?" Brine asked Wither.

  The Wither shuddered," I hate that guy, and his master, Israphel. They attacked the Nether a few years ago, and I would have died if not for Notch, who defeated and banished them."

  "Banished them?" Brine asked," so they are not destroyed?"

  "I do not know where has Notch sent them," Wither said," and they might still be alive. But at least they won't be bothering us."

  The two continued to chat, and they talked for hours, about Notch, the Nether, and all sorts of things, until the Wither told Brine it was time for him to go.

  Brine was reluctant to leave, but Wither assured him," This is not a final goodbye. You can come see us whenever you want to. My door will always open for you, special guest."

  "Thank you, Lord Wither," Brine bowed, before exiting the room and the castle, escorted by the wither skeleton general.

  He flew back the way he came from, back to the Nether portal, went through it, and was instantly back in his own mansion.

  He had dinner, and then lay down in his bed, and slipped into a sleep, where he dreamed of the Nether in all its fiery glory. As he thought about what the Wither had said, he realized he had fallen in love with the fiery landscape. He loved how it was always peaceful, he admired how they were always carefree, happy, and helping each other, all because they were under Wither's care.

  He realized that he actually wanted to stay there, and live there, alongside the other people of the Nether. He could help Wither out, and help defend if it was ever attacked. His sword fighting skills would definitely be useful.


  Brine yawned as the sunlight shone through the windows, it was a new day yet again, and he had to do his job, patrolling the nearby villages to see if they were safe and sound, and check his mailbox for any calls for help.

  Turns out, he didn't even need to check his mailbox.

  He felt for trouble, stretching out his senses, almost immediately, he sensed that one of the villages were in trouble.

  He immediately leapt off the ground and flew there, but as he flew, he was starting to get worried. The overworld had been safe under Steve and Alex's care, and had been peaceful. However, trouble was now brewing. Did that mean that Entity and his master, Israphel were back?

  His pulse quickened as he flew faster, until he finally neared the village. The villagers were running around frantically, putting out fires. Babies and women were crying, as some of their houses were blown to bits, or burnt.

  Brine touched down gently, and asked a nearby villager, his diamond sword drawn," What just happened here?"

  The villager gawked at him, as if he was some lind of superhero. Sure, he just dropped out of the sky, and that was the way heroes make a dramatic entrance. And he did look like a powerful being, with his gleaming diamond sword and his pure white, glowing eyes. Although his hair was messy and so was his cyan shirt and purple pants, due to the wind and the fact that he had just rolled out of bed, but people didn't seem to care.

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