Chapter 26 The Heart of Minecraftia

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  He tried to teleport, only for once, he was half a second too slow. He was too shocked to respond.

  Alex fell to the ground with a soft thud, and her swords dropped to the ground with a clang. Her throat bright with fresh crimson blood.

  Steve looked, dumbstruck, at Alex, and at the black blade sticking out of his chest, as if he was thinking whether was it real.

  Before Null drew back his blade, and the rulers of Minecraftia vanished into the thin air.

  Herobrine never liked them much in person, but then, being reset sent memories coursing through his brain. They were his best friends in their childhood,they had grown up together, shared experiences, and had been pretty close when young, only growing more distant as the years flew by.

  He was furious, even if Steve and Alex weren't his friends, nobody, nobody was allowed to kill them like that.

  He knew that he had done terrible things to them in the past, but he was there to stop anything like that from happening again.

He remembered the monster inside him break the bars caging itself and lash out, he remembered himself flying foward, and was on Null in an instant. His sword flashed in a deadly arc of glacial blue.

  Bump-a-bump, his featureless head rolled on the ground as inky black blood pooled around his fallen body.

  Entity was shocked, as well, as Null disappeared in a swirl of inky darkness, probably to reform in his home, the End, again, some time.

  Notch didn't say anything, but then, he teleported the hybrids and Herobrine with him. As brutal Steve and Alex's murder had been, they still had an even crazier murderer to fight. One that had been messing with a so-called heart.

  Herobrine had heard of it, but only once that he had forgotten all about it. Apparently it was the essence of Minecraftia itself, and if Israphel was near it, it probably wouldn't be good.

  He reappeared in a large room, where Israphel was thankfully, back to his original size. Before him was something like an End crystal, on an elevated pedestrial, but only white, with blue and green code snaking around it, like an electron shell surrounding the nucleus of an atom.

  Israphel smiled triumphantly, and Herobrine had a bad feeling that he had already done what he needed to do.

  "What did you do to the Heart?" Notch thundered, and Herobrine almost winced. He had gone bananas on him before, but that was nothing compared to his current volume.

  "Almost nothing," Israphel grinned, then quick as lightning, flicked a streak of orange energy at Casper, dropping him, as smoke curled off him.

  Before any more of them could react, he released a blast of energy, and Herobrine had to fight hard to stay awake.

  When the blast cleared, he found that it was only Notch, him, Entity and Israphel that were standing. The other hybrids were all knocked out in the blast, sprawled uselessly across the ground.

  Herobrine shuddered. If he could have such powers, who knew what could he do now?

  Notch was the fastest to react, he lunged forward faster than you could say idiot, and tackled Israphel to the ground, before sitting on his chest and punching him repeatedly in the face.

  Israphle was obviously not accustomed to close combat, but he laughed," There is nothing you can do now, Notch. The damage has been done!"

  Notch snarled, an inhuman sound, which sounded strange coming from him, and stabbed his sword downwards.
  He didn't hit anything, of course. Israphel had already teleported away, chuckling.

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