Chapter 12 Rise of the Darkness

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  The three men had decided to start recruiting some allies, and they had decided to spread some fear across the overworld first, to draw out any supporters and to show them their strength.

  Israphel had been itching to send his apprentices on small missions of terrorism, so he sent Entity 303, and Herobrine was to stay and train, so he could discover his powers.

  He was slightly disappointed when he wasn't permitted to go on the first raid with Entity, but Israphel insisted that he should stay behind. So, he went back to his own room and stayed there.

  As Herobrine stayed behind while Israphel was off recruiting mobs, he discovered something strange. Ever since coming back from the void, he felt stronger, his eyes glowed, brighter, and only did he discovered that his eyes glowed more brightly and less so according to his moods. If he was happy, excited or angry, they tended to glow brighter. He hasn't been extremely angry yet, but he the only thing he knew was that his eyes would glow really really brightly.

  He tried teleporting, and since unlike there wasn't any Endermen nearby, he had to generate his own teleportation particles.

  He closed his eyes and pictured the floor a few blocks away, his molecules hummed more vigorously than before, even when he was stealing particles off the Enderman, and suddenly, he felt a jerking sensation, and as he opened his eyes, he was a few blocks away. But the entire sensation made him dizzy, he instantly lost his footing, and fell to the ground. He groaned as he got back up, he knew that was an important skill and he was determined to learn.

  He teleported again and face planted a wall.

  "Ow," he groaned and rubbed his sore face. That would be taking a lot of practice.

  He then flew down to the training area, he had been more successful in controlling his flight, and would be less likely to feel tired. Also, the more he practiced using his powers, the less tired he would be.

  There were a flew dummies there, Herobrine hummed to himself as he summoned a white ball of energy, he aimed it at the dummy and threw it.

  It missed and hurtled towards the obsidian wall, dissipating as soon as it touched it.

  He facepalmed, great.

  He then tossed more energy balls, slowly, he was getting the hang of it, and he even discovered his ability to shoot beams of energy out of his hand, instead of a ball. All he needed to do was to focus on the spot he wanted to hit with his beam, it took some practice, but he found the method better than tossing energy balls. First of all, he didn't need to waste his time on creating a spherical shape, secondly, it was easier for him to aim.

  He then tried teleporting around the dummies, which he barely managed, missing by a block, but he was standing upright and not dizzy. It was actually pretty cool once he got used to it. He could be in a place and zap, be in the next in an instant. Way faster than flying or running. If he could harness that power, he knew it would make a significant difference in a fight.

  He also tried some elemental powers, as Israphel had called them. Entity's element was obviously fire, and he was probably very skilled at controlling it, although Herobrine had never seen it before.

  He concentrated, imagining glowing red embers, imagining the flames, the heat, the movement.

  Slowly, as the tingling came forth to his fingers, a tiny red and yellow blazed in his palm, and he felt a pinge of satisfaction, he was finally able to do it, just like the way Entity did.

  He willed for the flames to get bigger, and with more willpower, they grew, slowly, until it was roughly the size of his palm.

  The edges of the flames licked his hand, he could feel the heat and the light it released, but the flame didn't burn his hand. He could have it sitting on his palm at ease without it causing any damage at all.

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