Chapter 11 Herobrine

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  " We won't be just killing him," Israphel said, his eyes glowing with glee," that won't be enough, considering what he did to us. No, we will destroy his legacy, take over everything he has created, and shape it as we like it."

  "Yes Master," Entity and Brine said.

  "But first, we need to get out of here," Israphel said, turning to Brine," it is up to you now. Get us out of here."

  "My pleasure," Brine said. He felt that he had stayed in the void long enough. He felt the void's energy had been filling him up, and now, he would have his full powers.

  He imagined a doorway, and immediately, that appeared in front of him, he gestured to Israphel," After you, Master."

  Israphel walked through the doorway, followed by Entity, with Brine bringing up the rear.

  When Israphel stepped through the doorway, the first thing he saw was green. Lush green. The smell of fresh grass invaded his nostrils. The rustling of leaves and branches reached his ears, and the most wonderful of all, the light of the setting sun, as the sky turned pink and orange, with a slight hint of purple and blue.

  "Oh, I've missed this," Israphel said longingly," Well guess what, Papa's back."

  "Night is approaching, Master," Entity said," we should get back to base."

  "Our old base is sure to be destroyed by Notch already," Israphel said,"Entity, Brine, scout out a suitable yet easily concealed place. Inform me when you are finished. I will teleport to your location, and we will build a new base together."

  The two nodded, and Entity grabbed Brine's arm, before vanishing into a flash of red particles.

  Entity and Brine appeared in an extreme hills biome, they did a sweep around the area, and chose the best spot for a concealable base.

  "Entity," Brine said, and Entity turned, surprised that Brine had actually called him by his name," I have a really cool idea for a base."

  "I don't know whether Israphel will like it or not," Entity said, frowning.

  "I think he will, just listen. Instead of building a castle, which is really obvious, what about we build inside a mountain? Like hollow out the inside and build there?"

  "Interesting," Entity said," let me call Israphel."

  In a split second later, Israphel teleported to them, hovering in the air," Yes?"

  Brine explained his proposal to Israphel, and he actually sounded surprised.

  "Heck, yes!" The Devil grinned," Let's get started."

  They chose the biggest mountain in that area, and began sealing off the cave entrances except for one, then went inside using that one.

  Israphel closed his eyes, and pointed to the interior of of the mountain. He might not appear to be doing anything, but actually, he was manipulating the code, hollowing out the mountain, obliterating everything inside it.

  Orange and black lines of code swirled and like giant caterpillars, they began eating away the interior of the mountain, leaving the exterior completely intact.

  In less than a minute, the process was finished, and the three found themselves staring at a new, hollowed out mountain.

  "Cool!" Brine said, just like a little kid would.

  Israphel gave him a sideways look," Yep."

  The three landed at the smooth, newly created ground, made of stone, and analyzed their surroundings and what could they build in there.

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