Chapter 22 The Lock

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  "Yes," the void said, "he knew that you had been struggling against the spell, and he knew that you would be reset once you returned to the void," his voice said," he was planning to get rid of you so you wouldn't get in his way of world destruction."

  "You said what?" Herobrine' eyes grew wide with disbelief.

  "He didn't tell you," the void said," but he didn't plan to rule the world. He plans to destroy it and everything that Notch had created, just out of spite."

  "But...why? He would be destroyed as well!"

  "He is a hacker, a virus, Herobrine. He is from the outside world, and his goal is to spread and destroy until everything is gone. Once he had destroyed this world, he would move on to the next, he wouldn't be gone unless somebody stopped him."

  "So that raging inferno that I saw..." Herobrine said, pausing thoughtfully," that was him! A maelstorm that would destroy the world and everything that was in it."

  " And with his powers and Entity's, that was possible."

  "I have to get back up there!" Herobrine said desperately," I have to stop him!"

  "Are you even sure about your cause?" The void asked," Are you even sure why did you choose to do so?"

  Herobrine growled in impatience," Damn the cause, damn every single bloody thing! Just let me go up there!"

  "See, with your recklessness, if you are not sure of what you do it for, who is to say that you wouldn't fall into the hands of Israphel again?"

  Herobrine was silent, he was impatient, but the void was right, if he just randomly barreled into the battle, Israphel might get hold of him and use him again, and the entire cycle would repeat.

  Herobrine paused, but then a face popped up in his mind," I choose to do so, because it is the right thing to do. I have made many mistakes in the past, and now, I must made amends. This is who I choose to be."

  "Good," the void said, a slight sense of pride in its voice,"but now for the second question. I am being locked from the outside, so I won't be able to get you out like the way before."

  " Meaning? So how do I get out?" Herobrine was still impatient, but he managed to control his temper.

  "You can only be freed by someone outside the void,"the voice said," who exactly, you must figure out by yourself. But if you wish to return a second time, I will tell you not to."

  "Because the next time will be your last."


  Kara had wandered in the forest when Herobrine teleported her out of her house, and she saw him, rising to his all evil glory. She couldn't reach him, she knew, she was too far away, Herobrine had made sure of that.

  She covered her mouth when she saw the giant sphere of white flame crash down on the beautiful city she had once lived in, and set the entire city ablaze.

  I have to stop him, she thought, and raced down the hill she was on, running as fast as her legs could carry her into the city.

  Fortunately, she wasn't a bad runner.

  She sprinted for who knows how long, silently praying to Notch that Herobrine wouldn't be gone when she arrived.

  She arrived, sweaty, red, and breathless, just to see Herobrine murder the last of the citizens. She didn't know who that was, she would rather not know, the way Herobrine mangled his body.

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