Chapter 10 Old Nightmares

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  "Where the Nether am I?" Brine rubbed his sore head. His back hurt, and his entire body stung, like there were pins and needles all over him.

  The it came to him. Inksack. Falling into the void.

  He looked around. Surely, there was the familiar landscape, the void. In all its blank, lifeless glory. Yay.

  He could had sworn that he heard someone when he was still conscious, and that voice was oddly familiar. He remembered it for sure, but he couldn't put a finger on that harsh, cold voice.

  Maybe he was hallucinating, was he? He was no longer sure.

  The void was supposed to be devoid of any life, so he must be hallucinating that he heard anyone in the barren, lifeless landscape. Wither and Notch both told him that it was impossible to survive in there.

  Suddenly, he sensed a presence behind him, he pivoted swiftly, his fists raised, just to find a familiar man with a white suit and hood, his blood red eyes glowing with malice.

  The man smiled devilishly, showing off his trademark sharp yellow teeth, and said in that harsh, cold voice of his," Miss me, pup?"

  "What are you even doing here?" Brine hissed. He tried to hide his confusion, Entity 303 couldn't just be there, could he? He should have been dead, being in the void.

  "Oh you are not hallucinating, I am afraid," Entity drawled, as if reading his mind," I am very real, flashlight eyes."

  Brine inched closer, the suddenly caught Entity off guard with a strong right hook, cracking his jaw yet again.

  "Ack!" Entity stumbled backwards, cradling his jaw," Dur uur 'av to?"

  "So you are real," Brine said," butter teeth."

  Entity glared at him, then snapped his fingers as his jaw righted itself," Do you have to hit the same exact spot?"

  Brine knew what he was referring to. By sheer luck, he had hit Entity's jaw at the same spot six years ago.

  "Oh I am sorry, but if I were you, I would be dead ages ago, just being in this place," Brine growled.

  Entity rolled his eyes," So I am supposed to just magic away? Boom, yeah, I am dead."

  "What I want to know," Entity poked his chest," is why you are still alive."

  "How do you think I am supposed to know?" Brine protested.

  "No, seriously," Entity summoned his sword," I have tried sticking this thing in, and when I draw it out, there is like, zero blood, and the wound stitched together even without you noticing," he poked at Brine's chest," and I want to know why."

  "Wow, you know," Brine licked his lips," for a young dude like you, you have only managed to get uglier as the years passed. Have fun being beat up by Notch?"

  Entity hissed," Don't you dare mention that moron's name, flashlight eyes, or I will-"

  "Kill me?" Brine asked innocently, then he spread out his hands and put on the most smug expression he could manage," hit me. Gimme your best shot, butter teeth."

  Entity fumed, but he didn't seem to want to attack. Yet.

  "Oh what?" Brine laughed," did your butter teeth melt?"

  Entity's red eyes glowed brighter, he roared in outrage and stuck his sword in Brine's stomach.

  Brine looked at him, completely expressionless, there wasn't even any blood on his cyan shirt. He looked at him with those empty white eyes,
" Ouch."

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