Chapter 17 A tiny sliver of hope

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  It was strange enough already that the void was beckoning him, but the truth was, he didn't want to go, he needed to finish his mission, to serve Israphel, and to get ready for the final assault. He didn't want Israphel to call for him only to find him unprepared. He was sure that the results of that would not be pretty.

  He had gathered up more of his troops after he slept and woke once more, and some were resistant and didn't obey him being the new monarch. He had to kill some mobs to teach them some manners. Other than that, he encountered no other problems.

  He wanted to go to the overworld and destroy some villages, but every time he teleported to the overworld, Kara's face would flash in his mind, and he wouldn't have the heart to attack any more.

  He was very conflicted.

  He knew the girl was something special, but such a mere mortal shouldn't even been able to bother him. Yet, he didn't want her to see him destroying villages and cities. He somehow didn't want her to know his evil side. He was, somehow, afraid to disappoint her.

  He knew that it was stupid, but he couldn't help it. Kara's face was fixated into his mind. Those clear blue eyes, those luxurious locks of brown hair tumbling down her shoulders. Her angelic features, and the fact that she didn't flinch, even when he walked close to her. The others backed away real quick. Not her. He knew she was scared, but she bottled up her fear, and reached out to him.

  She even dared to have any physical contact with him.

  Any other normal Minecraftian would be likely to get their arms or hands chopped off the second they tried to touch Herobrine. He was well known for that. Still, despite the risks, she still reached out anyway.

  She was special. She was the first one who asked what happened, not in the a disappointed way, but in a way that Herobrine couldn't explain. She didn't know who Herobrine was, even if she did, she didn't know him in depth, but she still, regardless of her own safety, attempted to get through to him.

  Funny, when she touched him, he had a spark of something, something long forgotten. Something buried deep, deep inside him.

  When she touched him, he felt warm, and and for once, he felt safe. The thoughts of carnage and destruction had burned away, giving him a moment of clarity. He tried to grasp for the things that surfaced during his moment of clarity, but the more he grasped for it, the more it sunk into the deep depths.

  He slammed his fist on his bed in frustration, and he accidentally used too much force. Crack, the bed split into half.

  He looked at his hands, they were trembling, was that really what he was? Was he a creature that destroyed everything? A creature that would mow down everything standing in his path, just for his own selfish needs. He would be unstoppable, and eventually out of control.

  Out of control...

  That though sent him spiralling to another thought, if he got too powerful, eventually Israphel would be no match for him, much less Entity. Israphel talked about taking over the world. Well, Herobrine could take that from him when he had already claimed the world as his own, then betray him. Then the world would be his. He would be the king of everything. Then he would be able to rub it in Notch's face before he killed him.

  His lips curled in a cruel sneer, he would initiate that step after they attacked Notch.


  Notch paced around in the room, raking his brain for any solutions. The fearsome four, Israphel, Entity, Null and Herobrine, as he had called himself, were becoming a bigger problem. They were attacking villages and cities every day, leaving few to no survivors after their attacks. He had sent Steve and Alex to try to stop them, but the two rulers of the overworld failed. Now, the Nether and the End were theirs.

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