Chapter 24 This is who I choose to be

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But to his surprise, Herobrine caught the spear with his hands, his eyes glowing bright white yet again.

"Well I tell you, Devil," he spat, his white eyes glowing even brighter as wisps of white smoke drifted around him," You will regret that you have ever messed with me. And you are no master of mine."

Herobrine glowed with the light of a supernova, blinding Israphel temporarily, before he punched him hard in the face, repeatedly.

Entity lashed out with his whip, it curled around his arm, burning at a searing heat, yanking at his arm and causing his fist to pause in mid air.

Before Israphel recovered and plunged his trident at him.

He expected to be impaled, but to his surprise, Israphel was blasted several blocks away.

His attacker released another blue beam of energy, knocking the Devil even further.

Entity slashed at the masked man, but was slammed aside by a whirlwind of dirt blocks, causing him to spin around in circles and kept being slammed into.

And a purple figure tossed wither skulls at him, tearing into his body and confusing him.

Herobrine looked over to see the Defenders trio, reunited once more, and in the lead, was Shaman, with his huge wolf pack of at least a hundred wolves behind them. His piercing eyes filled with fury.

Dreadlord summoned and lobbed more wither skulls at Entity and Israphel, and Arcanist kept blasting them with his arcane beams and arcane blasts, keeping them away.

Israphel growled and suddenly, grew to three times his normal size, but still retaining his speed and agility, only with increased weight and strength. He kicked Arcanist away, and he went sprawling, but was swiftly on his feet yet again, hissing in pain from the spot where Israphel had kicked him.

Shaman's wolf pack split into half, the first half went to assist the army while the second attacked Israphel. Israphel swatted them away like flies, but he got bit several times and almost yelped out in pain. Man, those wolves do bite hard.

The wolves attacked wildly, and Shaman conjured up another whirlwind to sweep Israphel off his feet. He was still standing, but he was staggering now. A few brave soldiers tried to attack the giant Devil, but with no success.

Despite that, Herobrine knew that the Defenders' efforts wouldn't be enough, he would have to help them.

He then searched his brain for a weapon, one that he was accustomed to and had been practicing to use it for years in his youth.

White energy formed in his hand, slowly shaping itself, until finally, the diamond sword that Notch had given him was in his hand. Only that, it was sparkling with blue and white energy.

He flew towards Entity, and slashed out at him.

Entity managed to block his strike while being in the middle of the whirlwind, and righted himself in midair, before jabbing at Herobrine.

Herobrine deflected the strike and counter attacked, the energy on their swords hissed and hummed when they came in contact with each other. White against red, glacial blue against black, they fought, as the world around them faded away.

Entity teleported as he fought, as did Herobrine, and they were all over the place, exchanging fast, strong, and furious blows. Even though Herobrine had never duelled with Entity before, he was holding his own. Even that his sword was ripped away from him by Notch a few months ago, his skills were still good as ever, as if he never stopped training. He was a bit rusty at first, but then he swiftly got used to it again.

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