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sorry guys but this is the end of this book 😢

excuse the mistakes😚


10 years later

Ronnie and Justice got married 8 years ago. It was now 2001, a whole new era.

"Come on big headed boys it's time for school

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"Come on big headed boys it's time for school." Justice called her sons Jeremiah and Kaiden who were currently doing something upstairs while she was finishing breakfast.

"Don't forget about Raven." Ronnie kissed justice while standing behind her while she finished cooking eggs for the kids first day of school.

" Ronnie kissed justice while standing behind her while she finished cooking eggs for the kids first day of school

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"Leave Raven alone she's only 8 and stop standing behind me you little nasty. I'm already pregnant again and it's your fault." Justice gave Ronnie a dirty look only making his smile bigger.

"I can be nasty whenever I want this is my house. And I don't got to stop because after the twin boy and girl your having now, we gonna have a lot more because imma beat that pus-" Ronnie explained but Justice turned around putting a finger over his lips since she heard the kids running down the stairs.

"Hey kids goodmorning! Are you guys ready for 5th grade?" Ronnie walked over to his twin boys who were now 10 years old. They both resembled ronnie's image. They were already 5'2 and had their hair in growing flat tops.

Justice made all of their plates of food while Ronnie handed it to the table where the kids were currently eating.

"School honestly stinks dad I can't wait to be out of school. But at least I'm graduating this year because it just gets boring." Jeremiah picked up his fork and continued to eat his eggs.

"Actually school is fun for me. I chill in the back and relax. Sometimes the teacher may yell at me-" Kaiden explained as Jeremiah cut him off.

"You mean all the time." Kaiden rolled his eyes as he noticed his mom intensely staring at him.

"Kaiden Randell Devoe, im not playing with you this year. It's not good to be a class clown, watch when you get to middle school. I'm going to be way harder on you just know that you better pay attention and focus this head in school you get a diploma for middle school." Justice rubbed her stomach to the two babies that were furiously kicking around.

"How's my little princess this morning? Raven are you ready for the 3rd grade?" Ronnie went over to kiss Raven on the forehead while she drank her orange juice.

"Yes I love school and meeting new friends. I can't wait for today I'm ready to leave soon." Raven was smiling making everyone smile except for Jeremiah and Kaiden.

"She's a huge baby." Kaiden and Jeremiah exchanged smiles while both Ronnie and Justice ignored them.

"Well you guys are going to have to protect this "big baby" especially now that you guys are getting older and boys are starting to like her." Ronnie glared at both of his sons as they nodded their heads.

"Yes dad of course, we are going to protect our little sister as well as the other two siblings that were going to have." Jeremiah said as Kaiden agreed.

"Well won't you look at the time it's 7:20! You guys will miss your bus! Hurry up and wash your hands so you guys can catch the bus and meet RJ and Keisha (AN/ these are Ricky and Cherish children: Rj is the same age as Jeremiah and Kaiden ; Keisha is the same age as Raven)

"Alright mom love you. Love you too dad bye." They all said as they walked out the door as we gave them kisses.

"Alright mom that's enough kisses I'm a man now." Kaiden said as Justice continued to kiss him.

"Well you will always be my babies. Hurry up I see the bus pulling up." Ronnie let the door opened and waited until the children got onto the school bus.

"Bye guys we love you have a great day at school." Justice yelled as the school bus pulled off as she started laughing.

Ronnie closed the door as Justice started walking up the stairs. He once again came behind her but this time he was kissing her neck.

"Boy you better stop. I'm 6 months pregnant with twins. Like they are going to be born in two months come on Ronnie. I don't have time for this right now." Justice liked what he was doing but she was soon getting overwhelmed and frustrated.

"Alright imma wait till you laying down upstairs thanks baby." Ronnie kissed justice as she shook her head and smiled.

"I love you baby. I'm glad that you are my queen. I'm glad that you came to that audition 10 years ago because I would have never met you. You are everything I need and you've always been that way. I have my heart for you and only you. I'm glad that you are a strong woman, you've carried one set of twins and now your carrying another. I know when they get older things may be hard because our oldest children soon will be teens. But I love you so much and I'm giving you the world." Ronnie kissed Justice so hard and so passionate that she started crying.

"Baby you know how I feel about you. I love you so much nothing will ever replace you." Justice kissed him even harder this time.

"Hmm something from the beginning just told me that you were all that."


That's it folks!

I hope y'all enjoyed this fan fiction 😊

Otherwise I wanted to let you know that I love you guys so much !' You guys have been leaving comments, voting and reading ! I can't believe that this book has 14.6k reads like I've never thought that this would ever happen! As well as 1.08k votes like yesss😛 you guys are really the best supporters ever!

In the meantime, can you guys check out my books...

"I'm lowkey feeling you" (completed)

"Our love" (10 chapters published)

"Schizophrenia" (3 chapters published)

Again, thank you so much for this book y'all! I love y'all 😊😊😊🌸

Can't believe that this is the end!


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