A Boy Named Perfection

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His heart was beating fast. Every step he took towards the school's gate felt like ages. Zayn has kidnapped people before but something about this was not right., at least not right for him. He felt something was wrong but now he can't turn back. This is it!

As Zayn pushed the gates and walked in he received stares from everyone in the school. Everyone started gossiping about him. Every girl dropping her jaw on seeing him. People crashing into each other and not reacting at all. They all just kept their eyes on Zayn. Whereas Zayn on the other hand started developing his somewhat lost confidence by all the stares. He was quite familiar with this treatment. He had those beautiful mesmerizing eyes, his caramel Yorkshire accent that could melt people, that perfect tan body which is everyone's goals and those dazzling looks with attitude on his face made him look 17740862939x hotter. Everyone were staring at him in disbelief.

"Is he even real?"

"He is fucking goals!"

"I’m starting to doubt my sexuality"

All those comment made him even more confident. "May I help you?" A girl's voice made him turn. "Actually yes! Can you tell me where the notice board is?" He asked with all the due respect making that girl speechless.

"Hmm?" He asked waving his hand in front of her head.

"Yeah if you want I can guide you" she quickly said as she snapped out of her illusion.

"No babe! I don't want to bother-!"

"No big deal, really!" She said and walked past him gesturing him to follow which Zayn definitely did.

The notice board wasn't that crowded unlike how it was when Liam was there.

"So, you are from?" She asked curiously trying to drag Zayn in a conversation but Zayn was too busy searching for his boxing schedule

"Tell me which competitions you’re participating in and I will help you find where it is" the girl asked and just then Zayn realized she was still beside him. He turned and saw a blonde girl wearing a green long frock. "Boxing" Zayn said and stepped back allowing her to search it for him.

"5:00 p.m. auditorium no.7" she said.


A message caught Zayn’s attention and he turned his phone on. The phone showed that it is activated as Liam is around 3m from him. On seeing that Zayn's brown eyes widened, his heart who just calmed down started beating faster than ever.

"Thanks!" Zayn said and walked away.

"Good luck! I will cheering for you" Zayn heard her say when he was about to turn left.

Zayn kept on walking. Walking away from Liam, walking somewhere he wasn't sure. He just wanted sometime alone.


"Liam James I knew you would make it to the next round" a women of age 40 patted Liam's back as he came out of the quiz competition.
"Thank you ma'am" he innocently smiled and left. He checked his watch and it was 2:30 p.m. 'Shit Liam you better start your boxing practice. You’ve got only 2 hours left' he motivated himself and went to the locker room to change himself in boxing shorts. He went to the college gym to practice and spent at least 1 hour practicing his ass out.

'Now time for a hot shower' he smiled with quite accomplishment he saw in the mirror. He was all sweaty. He went to take a hot bath in a bathroom connected to the locker room (*imagine a fucking big school who supply shower washrooms, locker rooms, gym and all*)

He came out wearing sweatpants and opened his locker. "Liam?" A sudden voice caught Liam's attention he turned to see a group of five boys in front him. He recalled each and every single one of them. They were same group of students who lost to him in couple of last year's boxing competitions.

"Long time no see lads" Liam being Liam greeted them warmly.

"Shit you are still the same retard we met last year!" One of them commented to which Liam had no effect.

"If you are participating this year then good luck lads" Liam said and turned to his locker taking out his extra pair of shorts he saved for the competition.

"Thanks Liam. But we aren't going to wish you good luck!" On hearing that Liam stopped in his tracks. He turned to the guy "you aren't taking part this year" they all tackled Liam on floor at once and went out of the locker room.

"Hold on!" Liam painfully got up and pushed the door but they had already locked it from outside.

"It's just 45 minutes left for the competition to start Liam and no one will be coming here till tomorrow. I feel so sorry for you" he heard them say and giggle from the other side of the door.

"Guys please don't do this! It's not funny anymore." Liam was gentle which made it even worst for him.

Liam was now trapped in the locker room. He took out his phone from his bag but it was dead.
"Shit!!!" A few curse words slipped out of Liam's mouth in complete anger.


With the sudden ring on his phone, Zayn lost his chill. He was nervous to see that Liam might be real close to him by now. By every passing second his pulse started picking up speed. Zayn looked down to his phone reading 'Signal Lost'. He was quite shocked. He was already waiting in auditorium 7 which was getting filled minute by minute.

*20 minutes for competition to start. Participants are requested to report on the registration counter*

He heard the announcement and got off his chair to go at the counter.

*Jordan Mikael, Jack Austin, Augustus Cullen, Jake Ryder, Zayn Malik, Nicholas Troy and Liam James are requested to report on the registration counter*

'Shit Liam is not in the auditorium' his eyes widened and he left the auditorium in search of Liam. His thoughts were clouded on the thought if something happened to him or what if someone else kidnapped him before Zayn.

'Where is Liam?' He took out his phone which still had the same 'Signal Lost' label.

He went up and down the corridors wildly searching Liam in a new place. They were 100% chances of him getting lost but he didn't care. He wanted to search Liam by all means. He went to the stairs and saw some kids rushing down. "Shit they are calling us Augustus, run fast" one of them said and went down. "Yeah I know! But it was worth bullying that lamer though" one of other boys replied which Zayn guessed Augustus was.

Zayn saw them rushing down where auditorium 7 was. 'Two more floors then you are going back Zayn' he said to himself and went up.

He went to the floor where the locker room was. It was all quiet.  He searched the rooms but no one was there. As the Locker room was on the 6th floor of the building ‘why would someone be here anyway’ he thought.

"Fuck!" Zayn yelled in anger.

"Hey!!!! Someone's there? Please help me!" He saw visible palms slapping the thick glass door of the locker room.

'He must be the one those assholes bullied. I hate those people who show their power on the weak ones' Zayn thought and marched towards the locker room.

*Last five minutes. Participants are requested to report on the registration counter*

"Shit!" Zayn yelled again "I am getting late lad. I will come for you after this I promise" Zayn shouted and took the stairs down.

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