track race!!

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"So they envy you?" Zayn asks, moving a little back as Liam, who was sitting opposite to Zayn explained how he ended up in locker room.

"You can say that" Liam shrugs and takes a sip of his coke.

"I don't get it, Liam" Zayn moved a little forward to grab a bite of his hamburger.

"Don't get what?"

"You are pretty strong man! You can easily beat shit out of each and every single one of them" Zayn says as he chews on his food and wipes the side of his lips.

"They caught me off guard!" Liam chuckled “and thanks”

"How about we go and kick their asses now?!"

"What? No!!" Liam grabbed Zayn hand, afraid that Zayn might actually get up to leave.

"Why not?" Zayn asked confusedly.

"Because I don't want to. See I don't like fighting"

"Find then, thanks for the dinner- I am going home now, so see ya! Tomorrow?" Zayn awkwardly asks, as he was running out of reasons to talk and conversation was turning weird at least for him.

"Yeah see you tomorrow! Anyway you are taking part in track?" Liam asked

"Yeah! What about you?" he asked anyway, nowing exactly that Liam is taking part too, aint that the only reason why Zayn is in it?

"I am in too!" Liam gave him a big smile and continued "good luck and be at 8:00am- its early morning"

Zayn chuckled and nodded "Sure! I am always on time" he brags, his voice dipped in sarcasm.

"something’s funny?" Liam arches his eyebrow with an awkward smile.

"Nothing it's.... just me" Zayn smiled back and rolls his hands in his pocket.

"Where’s the bill?" Liam searched for around, snapping his head at Zayn on hearing him chuckle

"I paid it! My treat!" Zayn gave him a wink, unable to help himself.

"Bu-" Liam was about to object but Zayn interrupted him "tomorrow your treat! Same place" Liam smiled in agreement. Zayn gave him a tiny wave and left.

Zayn went to his flat later that night and rang the bell continuously until he heard a "Coming!"  in regular cheerful Irish accent.

"Welcome home Zaynie" Niall opened the door wide with a usual smile.

AndjJust as Zayn went in, he was bombarded with questions!!

"You met lia-"

"how is he-"

"is he a rich spoiled br-"

"how was your boxin-"

"tell me za-"

"was he a-"

"Shut up!!!!" Zayn growls and sighed when they went quite "I will tell you if you’ll ask one by one. One question at a time okay?" Zayn claimed and they all nodded.

Zayn threw his bag on the dining table and sat on chair, rotated it towards the boys who surrounded him.

"Met Liam?" Louis was the first to ask.

"Yeah!" Zayn nodded

"Is he spoiled" Harry asked quickly before Niall could keep his question.

"No! not even close" Zayn protested

"Where did you meet him?" Niall asked and Zayn explained them everything.

"Great so now you guys are friends?" Harry asked to confirm it.

"Yeah!" Zayn replied with a smile.

"You have any competitions tomorrow?" Louis asked

"Yeah some track thing! That too fucking morning 8am" Zayn yawn as he was dead tired already.

"lol” Niall chuckles “He is so missing that”

"Harry you’re going to wake me early- no matter what.. Thanks babe!" Zayn winked at Harry and went to his room. This made Harry frown cuz waking Zayn is definitely not an easy task.

*next day 7:30am*

"Zayn? Wake up!" Harry calls loudly, softly knocking Zayn's door and when he was about to knock it second time Zayn opened it quickly.

Harry widened his eyes not believing his friend is already up "you are ready to go!!!!" He gasps, not over the fact that a well dressed Zayn was standing in front of him all ready to go.

"Yes!" Zayn replied with a happy grin.

"That's weird!" Harry declares and turns on his heels back to the hall where Zayn followed.

"I made yo- actually made myself a sandwich but since you are leaving early you can have mine, I will make myself another" Harry sat on the couch and pointed towards the sandwich on dining table.

"Thanks hazza!" Zayn squeezed Harry in a hug and took the sandwich.

"Bye!" He waved at Harry as he was the only one awake at this hour.

At the school

Zayn went straight to the ground where only a few students were present including Liam.

"Hi!" Liam came to Zayn.

"Hey! So the competition started?" Zayn asked as he was quite confused to see few amount of students.

"Yeah gonna start any moment now! The thing is only few students showed up this early so they decided to do first round and when other students join they will do the second round and only first three runners from each round will make it to the second level" Liam explains.

"Come here boys" a lady called them and they marched to her.

"You two are in the round one" she said and told them to go on the boundary line.

They took their stances waiting for other boys to join when Liam starts laughing.

"What's funny?" Zayn asked

"The fact that we are participating in the same round. One among us is bound to lose" Liam laughed for the last time.

"Yeah and that's you" Zayn claims.

"Aah we’ll find out soon" Liam replies with a smug grin.

The match started and they started running. To Zayn's surprise he came second and Liam came first.

"Se-e I-i tol-ld yuh! Y-y-o-uh wish!" Liam said while trying to catch his breath.

"You got lucky! There's no way am gonna lose to someone you can't even frame a sentence while catching his breath" Zayn said sarcastically for which Zayn received a death glare from Liam who later changed into laughing bits.

"So we both made up to the next level?" Zayn asked Liam and Liam signs a thumbs up while drinking water.

"What we gonna do now? My art competition is at 3:00pm and its only 9am" Zayn frowned at Liam

"You are in art too?" Liam asks with wide eyes.

"Yeah! So you are in it as well!" Zayn said and took Liam's bottle to drink water.

"Yeah! But I suck at drawing!" Liam admitted

"Oh is it?" Zayn asked and returned him the bottle "what about your science quiz?"

"How do you know I took part in science quiz?" Liam asks casually


Zayn presses his lips in thin line and mentally curses himself "you told me yesterday" he says as his head begs 'please except it, Liam, please'

"I did?? Okay!" Liam innocently nodded "qualified to the next round" Liam smiled at Zayn.

"So what we gonna do till 3pm?" Zayn asked again

"I will show you around! Cool?" Liam said while packing his bag

"Better than ever!" Zayn wore his bag and waited for Liam to pack up!

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