Street Fight

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"What happened, master Payne? you look off today! You lost the match? " Simon, Liam's driver, asked.

"No, I won!" Liam sighed sadly

"Then why are you upset?" Simon asked in concern

"It's------nothing!" Liam looked out of his car's window.

"Weren't you parting with your friends tonight?" Simon asked

"No I wasn't " Liam said while still looking out.

"Then why were you so late today? It's 1am if you realize that? " Simon asked while staring the lost Liam from his front mirror.

"I- I was searching for him" Liam said looking sadly at the rain.

"Well you love rain Liam then why that sad face? " Simon asked

Liam didn't bother to answer him. The sky was roaring loud with thunder lights. In the next street Liam spotted some kids hitting a guy with baseball bat. The night was dark and due to rain Liam couldn't see the guy's face. As they passed by Liam felt his heart beating fast. As the car moved forward everything around Liam went in slow motion. He turned to see the group and a thunder light brightened up the scene, the light hit revealed Zayn's face.

"Stop the fucking car, Simon" Liam screamed at the top of his lungs and Simon pulled out the sudden break.

Without waiting for the car to completely stop Liam opened the door and stepped out. He ran towards Zayn and pushed the guy who was about to hit Zayn with the baseball bat. He then punched the other two boys who were grabbing Zayn's hand from back. Zayn fell on his knees.

Liam got on his knees too "Zaynie, you okay?" He asked worriedly cupping Zayn's face

"Look we have the champion here!" A very familiar voice to Liam said

"Is he here to protect his friend?" One of the other familiar voice said

"Or his boyfriend?" The other guy joked and everyone started laughing.

"Let's beat him up too guys. He ain't that good" another familiar voice said.

Liam left Zayn and got up.

"Just tell me why?" Liam ordered them to answer his question in the most aggressive voice that they've ever heard from him.

One of them gulped in fear. But Luke was not that frightened of someone he bullied from last three years.

"Why you ask? Because he tried to protect you. Back when I was going to hit you and by the way he guarded the locker room for you" Luke said.

"During the first round of boxing match he said he is going to beat me up for torturing you. Like why the fuck does he even care. I lost my reputation because of him. If he messes with me he is going down!" Augustus spoke in his fierce voice.

"Back when he helped me in the locker room he didn't knew who I was. In fact he was shocked on knowing that it was me in the locker room" Liam spoke loudly grabbing his hands into tight fist, he turned back to see Zayn on his knees ''Zayn! It's My turn to protect you'' he mumbled staring softly at the wounded boy.

"Let's beat lia-" before Luke got to complete his sentence Liam punched him right in his face so hard that he couldn't get back on his feet. Liam was boiling with anger "it's okay if you hurt me but if you hurt my family or my friend I won't forgive you" Liam stated roughly beating each and every single one of them.

Zany on the other hand felt everything blurry. He painfully got on his knees and in the pouring he saw Liam fighting the boys who came to beat him.

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