New turn

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The next morning Liam slowly opens his eyes and turns around to find himself in an empty bed with no trace of Zayn, he sits and admires his condition and couldn't stop smiling by the fact that he was well fucked by the love of his life and the also the one he lost his virginity to. Before Liam can have any more of his blissful moments Louis walks in, on seeing him Liam panicked and grabs sheet to cover his naked body.

"Where are your knocking manner Lou?" Liam yells angrily, now feeling a slight pain in his sore body.

"This is my room; I guess? Anyway get ready and come out" Louis' voice was pretty rough, to me more precise he sounded totally off about something and his actions worried him when he threw a pair of jeans and apple logo t-shirt on bed.

"Hey Lou, is everyth-" before Liam can say his words, the door was Loudly slammed and Louis was gone.

With an uneasy pit feeding in his stomach, he got up and went to shower. Later he changed into the clothes Louis handed and walked out of Louis' room finding Niall and Louis in mid-conversation

"Here your bag li" Niall handed him his school bag.

Now Liam can see where things we were leading.

"We are leaving" Louis said rudely and grabbed the keys in his hand tight.

Liam's heart started picking speed, He don't want to go, far from going... he wanted to stay, forever "wait... where is Zayn?" Liam asks

"None of your business, let's go" Louis says with his harsh tone, which were sending fear shocks in Liam's spine. Louis was never this rude to him

"It is my business... I deserve to see him before leaving Lou, please" Liam pleaded, his voice getting softer and weaker with every word from his mouth

"Lou I think we-" Niall tries to speak but only to get stop by Louis' death glare.

"Shut it up Nialler" he spits, he turns back to Liam and with terror in his eyes he walks towards him making him still in fear "we are leaving.... right now" he grabs Liam's wrist and starts dragging him towards the door...

This was first time Liam saw this new Louis and it scared the shit out of him but he wasn't leaving, not without seeing Zayn "Lou leave me" Liam tries to free himself but Louis' grip only got tighter. Liam was sure by the way Louis held him, he got some nice bruise marks.

Louis didn't say a word but dragged him ever harsh.

Liam took all his power to stop Louis from pulling further "Lou I am sorry for doing this but you left me no choice" with this the next thing Louis saw was a punch coming right on his face, making him fall.

Niall rushed to Louis' assistance and just on clue Liam left the flat and walked down to Zayn's flat.

He stormed in, seeing a frozen Harry and Zayn on dining table, Zayn quickly got up on seeing a panting Liam on his door.

"LIAM" Louis and Niall came in next and stopped their traces on seeing Zayn.

"Why are you here Liam?" Zayn asks, showing no emotion in his words

"Let's go Liam!! Please" Louis says in a soft voice and tries to grab his wrist but like hell Liam was leaving.

"We need to talk, Zayn" he says warmly taking a step towards him

"STOP RIGHT THERE!!" Zayn yells at him

"Zayn!" Harry warns him

Zayn takes a deep breath before talking again "we have nothing to talk Liam"

"We both know it's a lie" Liam spits

Zayn just stares at him with eyes filled with anger? Pain? Or mixed up emotion, but definitely something Liam can't put his finger on.

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