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"SHUT UP MICHAEL!" I scream, putting my pillow over my head to try and muffle the noise he's making. I regret asking him if he had any friends now. Its clear he does. And its clear they're like him.

Loud and annoying.

Groaning, I get out of my bed to give him a piece of my mind. I don't care that his friends will see me in my SpongeBob pyjamas that I'm clearly too old for. 16 year olds aren't supposed to still watch SpongeBob...maybe I still do though. In my opinion, nobody is too old for SpongeBob.

I go to his bedroom and find it empty so I march downstairs to interrogate my parents.

"Where is he?" I demand, standing at the living room door with my hand on my hip.

"Who?" My dad asks, looking up from his newspaper, his glasses sliding down his nose.

"Who do you think? The devil. Satan himself. Where the hell is my brother?" I tap my foot impatiently.

"He's out in the garage with his friends." He looks back down to his newspaper and leans back in his chair, clearly losing interest in our conversation.

"Why do you let him get away with that noise?" I whine.

"I think its lovely he's taking an interest in music." Mum smiles. "Maybe we have a future musician in the family."

"I highly doubt it. Whenever he plays it sounds like he's running over cats." I remark, then leave the house to get to the garage in the hopes of shutting my brother up.

Its colder than I anticipated, but then again, it is winter. I shouldn't be out in my pyjama shorts and vest. I just get so warm in bed that I prefer to wear summer pyjamas, no matter what season.

I really should have thought this through more. I don't even have any slippers or socks on and the ground is freezing my feet off.

I walk into the garage and am greeted with even louder noise.

"HEY! LITTLE SISTER!" Michael yells over the noise and stops playing his guitar. Thank god. Unfortunately there is still noise playing from somewhere else but I don't focus on that just now.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT. COULD YOU BE ANYMORE FUCKING LOUD-" I yell but abruptly stop when the rest of the noise stops. It turns out his 'friends' are here. I didn't realise that. Crap.

They look up...and they're all extremely good-looking.

One of them grins and waves over his drums and I feel myself blush. Shit. Why cant I be in more control of my face?!

"I like your pyjamas!" He shouts. Oh god no. I could have worn anything, why did it have to be these pyjamas?! My head may as well have been replaced by a tomato. It must be extremely red because my face feels like its on fire.

Oh god, why didn't I make myself more presentable?!

"...Thanks..." I manage to choke out. I must look like an idiot standing here in my SpongeBob pyjamas, bed hair and tired looking face.

"What do you want Sky? Just checking I wasn't lying about having any friends?" Michael says, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh shut up Michael." I say, trying to regain my composure. "You're an asshole and you still live with our mum, you're 18 years old, almost 19. Obviously I doubted you had friends."

His friends start laughing and I cant help but feel proud. I hear the one with the olive toned skin mutter to the drummer "She's even more sassy than me." And they both start laughing.

"Alright. You've proven your point, get lost." Michael says, losing his patience.

"Hang on, aren't you going to introduce us?" The drummer shouts, still grinning. He has such cute dimples.

"For fuck sake Ashton." Michael groans but obliges. "Fine. This is Skyler. Skyler, this is Ashton," He points to the drummer who leaps off his seat and takes a bow. I try to supress my laughter but fail. "that's Calum." He points to the olive toned guy who smiles and copies Ashton, bowing. "and that's Luke." He points to the blonde boy who is still trying to tune his guitar. He looks up and gives a small nod, not as enthusiastic as the other boys.

"Happy now, Ashton?" Michael glares at Ashton who gives an innocent smile back, sitting down on his seat and waving his drumsticks in the air like a lunatic. "I'm going to take that as a yes?" Michael asks, unsure of what his actions were supposed to mean.

Michael turns back around to me and says "Piss off now please."

"Charming, as always." I grunt and take my leave. I can hear them all laughing as I exit the garage.

"Wait, is that the girl from those videos you showed us?" I think its Calum that said it. I pause outside, waiting to here what Michaels reply is. I swear to god if he has showed his friends those prank videos he so often takes...

"Yes, that's her. My darling sister! For some reason she really didn't like my last prank. Did I show you the video yet where I stuck insects in her shampoo? Wait, let me get my phone."

I don't wait anymore time before running back into the garage and tackling him to the floor.

"What the-"


All he does is lie there laughing. I look about the room, trying my best to ignore the stares I'm getting from my brothers gorgeous friends. I can hear some of them laughing. I spy his phone and take a run for it. I grab his phone from the floor and run out of the garage.

Unfortunately I don't reach the door in time before what feels like the weight of an elephant falls on top of me.

"Close but yet so far, sis." Michael chuckles, yanking his phone back out of my grasp whilst still keeping me pinned to the floor. He ruffles my already messed up hair before jogging back to his awaiting friends in the garage, leaving me sprawled across the ground by myself.

"I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS. YOU WAIT!" I yell but he ignores it. I mean it this time though. I have a plan and he'll regret messing with me.

"Got it back guys!" I hear him yell and the garage door shut.

I stomp upstairs like the stroppy teenager I am and slam my bedroom door shut behind me. Again, what time even is it? 11am in the morning. Why cant I have a normal life with a normal family?

I throw myself onto my bed wanting to go back to sleep. I usually wake up at this time but I feel sleep deprived, embarrassed and depressed.

I go back over the events of this morning in my head.

They all seemed really nice and friendly. Well, maybe not the guy named Luke. But he was very attractive. The quick glance I got at his face when he wasn't fixated on his guitar was enough to see his lovely blue eyes.

But they all attractive to be honest. Ashton with his floppy brown hair, red bandana and dimples. Calum with his clear olive toned skin, dark hair and cheery smile.

I've no idea how Michael fits in or how he even became friends with what appears to be quite decent people.

I cant believe they seen me in these pyjamas. They even seen me have some kind of enraged fit and attack my brother on the floor.

I don't want to show my face in front of them again.

A/N ~ Again, I ament so happy with this chapter...but hey! Give me your opinions in the comments or vote if you liked it please c:

Thank you so much, I love anybody who is reading this!

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