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Strangely enough, I wake up on my own free will the next morning. No pranks to awaken me, no noise from downstairs, just my body waking up. Which is nice for a change. Its like what normal people do in normal households. Although it leaves me very suspicious.

I creep over to my currently closed bedroom door and kick it open with my foot, quickly stepping back afterwards. It wouldn't be the first time my brother has set booby traps around the house.

There's nothing there though, so I run down stairs to interrogate my parents.

"Where's Michael?" I ask my dad who's sitting on the sofa reading yet another newspaper. I don't understand what he finds so interesting about them. There's news on the TV he could watch instead of straining his already terrible vision.

"What's he done this time?" My dad sighs.

"Nothing. That's what's freaking me out."

"Skyler, you are never happy. You complain when he messes about with you, you complain when he doesn't. There's just no pleasing you-" My dad is clearly not having a good morning. Its hardly fair to start ranting at me when he's seen - and experienced himself - what my brother does.

"He said he was going to his friends house for a while...what's his name again...Luke's house, yes that's it, dear. He'll probably be back soon." My mum interrupts my dad before he can get any further in his rant - thank god for that because once my dad starts, there's usually no stopping him and id soon be needing a walking stick by the time he'd finished his argument.

I waist no time in running up the stair and retrieving the pink dye from my wardrobe.

It's now or never. I psych myself up, bouncing on the balls of my feet in front of my brothers bedroom door before opening it.

My eyes land on the blue dye that's sitting on the chest of drawers next to his bed. I grab it and take it along to the bathroom. I unscrew the blue dyes cap and empty its contents down the sink. Does that damage the sink? I don't even know.

Once the bottle is empty I fill it up with water a few times and empty it, just to make sure all the dye is out. I unscrew the pink dyes lid and try to fill up the currently empty bottle, trying my best not to spill any on my hands. I've never dyed my hair before but I'm pretty sure its bad to get the stuff on your skin. I ament wearing gloves.

Its almost all in when a knock on the bathroom door startles me, making me spill some over my hands. It feels all burny.

"Shit!" I hiss, trying to pour the rest in.

"There's a queue" I hear my brothers voice yell from behind the bathroom door, followed by a constant knocking. I didn't lock the door, oh god.

The door handle begins to rattle and I scream "DONT COME IN HERE!"


"I...I...I HAVE EXPLOSIVE DIARRHOEA!" I say the first thing that pops into my mind to avoid getting caught.


I hear snickering from behind the door and am mortified when I hear more than one laugh. Please god don't say that he brought Luke back here, or anyone else for that matter.

"Wait, so you're telling've really badly shit yourself?" Michael asks, more laughter following.

"NO! I...I..." Seeing no other way to finish off my mission, I have to swallow my pride and lie. "yes..."

This has to be one of the most horrific experiences of my life.

"Right, well, tell me when you've finished emptying yourself, or whatever." He laughs again and I hear two pairs of feet walking away. Did he really have to bring Luke? I hope its not him...At least if it was the other boys I could explain myself and say it was the plan, I cant exactly do that with him. I don't talk to him.

I quickly screw the cap onto the blue hair dye bottle - now filled with pink dye. I rinse my hand that I spilt the chemicals on underneath the cold tap for a few moments before leaving.

I open the door and bump straight into Luke.

"Sorry!" I squeal.

"Its fine." He smirks. I think that's the first time I've seen him smile. He looks friendlier when he does, he should do it more often. It gives me the confidence I need to ask him questions.

"Where about is my brother?" I whisper.

"His room, why?" He furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"Well id just like to clear up, I didn't shit myself alright? I was doing this." I pull the hair dye out from behind my back.

A smile tugs at his lips. "Right."

"No seriously, go in and smell the bathroom then, I didn't shit myself!" I say, my voice raising. "That sounded better in my head..." I groan, covering my face with my free hand.

Good god. I feel like face palming myself. Did I seriously just tell him to smell the bathroom?!

He takes his lip ring in between his teeth, trying to hold back his laughter and I'm momentarily distracted by how attractive it looks before I'm broken out of my thoughts by my brothers voice.

"Finished emptying your bowels are we? Moved on to flirting with Luke?" He raises an eyebrow, laughing.

"No, I-I wasn't- UGH!" I'm about to walk away when my brother speaks.

"You haven't seen my hair dye, have you? I was sure I put it on my chest of drawers. I wont be able to dye it on Monday if I cant find it." Shit. He walks back into his room searching.

"What? No. Why would I be in your room?" I make a 'pfft' noise before walking away, but I feel the bottle of dye plucked from my grasp. I turn around to see Luke swiftly put it behind his back.

He nods toward the door and then the bottle with his eyes. I mouth a 'thanks' and he smiles before joining Michael in his room.

Luke seems to be a lot better by himself than when he's with Calum and Ashton. I wonder why? He seemed practically...normal just then.

As I walk back into my room I keep my fingers crossed that Luke manages to discreetly put the dye in place. If he does, this will be the best revenge of all time.

A/N ~ So what do you think of Luke's change in personality? What's going on there o.o

Anyway, vote if you enjoyed this♡

Comments your opinion of the story so far, I'd appreciate it - good or bad, I don't mind! xD

I love you all!♡

And I'd like to say thanks to Speshk1234 and xxforeverfanxx for giving me their opinions and voting from when I first began to write this. Its kind of given me the motivation to properly stick to this story, so yeah, thank you so much, I appreciate it!! c:

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