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Okay dokey, hope that caught your eye. Hey guys, this is just to tell you that I don't have any sequels to this book on wattpad. At least not at the moment. I could try and arrange some kind of sequel if you'd like but it's just to assure you that I don't have another out there right now. There's a VERY similar story to mine that's been published and I'd like to thank a few of my followers for telling me about it. Still contemplating about reporting this user seeing as they havent replied to my messages and multiple people think I should... It's basically a continuation of my story only with the love interest altered. Anyway, just to tell you guys that I've only published this and that this is my only profile! Thank you for reading.

Skyler's P.O.V ~

The giggling girls left shortly after Calum and Michael had tried to make up a print for their tees. They settled on writing their signatures on the back and writing 5SOS on the front. As the girls walked off, I recognised where I knew them from. They had been the 5 girls at the front of the concert, each with a boy of One Direction's face printed on their front. Wonder how that would work out if the boys had a concert to themselves one day, I think idly, there's only 4 of them and 5 girls.

As we board the tour bus, I notice something fall out of Calum's pocket as he takes his phone out. I bend over to retrieve it for him. It's a slip of white paper with a number written on it in childish handwriting.

"Uh...Calum? I think one of those kids just tried to hit on you." I giggle, handing him the slip of paper.

"What?" He stares at it and his face pales. "They were like...12 years old!"

"Going for the younger ladies, are we Hood?" Michael snorts and punches him in the arm playfully. Though it was only a joke, Calum seems to have taken his words to heart. "Cal, I was joking..."

"Yeah I know- I uhm- I just need to check something on my phone." He waves his phone in the air before walking into the bathroom and locking the door behind him. I can't help but think it has something to do with Stella. His girlfriend that broke up with him when she found out about the bet. The girl he had been stressing about over the phone. The one I found him in bed with.

"What do you think is up with- Wait. Where are Ash and Luke?" Michael asks, pausing at the door of the living area. I walk up behind him to see that both boys aren't there.

"I'll go check the beds." Michael says as I plop myself down onto the couch. He comes back a moment later with a frown on his face. "They're not there. They should be here by now."

"Stop stressing, they'll be back soon. Ash was probably trying to...calm Luke down." I say, the image of Luke's angry face in my mind. The fact Luke isn't here is both upsetting and relieving. It's silly for me to feel upset about his absence but it's something I can't even begin to describe or explain.

He stares at me for a very long moment, a look of deep thought etched on his face but "Hmph." Is all he replies with. He puts a DVD in the television before sitting down next to me with his arms crossed. Sometimes I forget he can get just as protective over the boys as he is with me. Men In Black flashes up on the screen and I sigh. I should have known he'd pick it.

Calum comes out of the bathroom, staring at his phone with a grim face. A pang of sympathy consumes me before I remember I shouldn't feel that way. He only has himself to blame about Stella.

"Where are the guys? It's almost 1am..." Calum says in confusion.

"They need to be back. We need to rest for our second show tomorrow. The bus will need to start heading soon." Michael says, gnawing on his nails, and to my surprise - not paying attention to Men In Black.

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