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"With the lights out, it's less dangerous,

Here we are now, entertain us!

I feel stupid and contagious!

Here we are now, entertain us!

A mulatto,

An albino.

A mosquito.

My libido!"

My ringtone for Luke blares through my phones speakers on my way back from school. I know its him as I set the song to be just for him when he called. My mind casts back to our first conversation about this song, Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit. The song continues and I hesitate. Should I answer it this time?

"Who's that?" Paige asks nosily as we near my house.

"Luke." I state, checking the caller ID just to make sure. Paige makes 'ooh' noises but I silence her with a look. I've never told her anything that's happened between Luke and I like that kiss on the stairs, but I know Paige knows I hate her talking to me about him in that way. I've told her time and time again we're only friends but now I struggle to even say that. What are we?

Its been a week since I last spoke to Luke which was when he dropped me off. He's been trying to call me but I've been hanging up. I don't know why he's been calling me. Its not that I don't want to talk to him, its just that the feelings I've been developing towards him are getting stronger and they're scaring the hell out of me. I've just been denying myself to think about it and I haven't been showing up at band practise. The boys just stick to band practice now as after Calum pulled that stunt with Jarvis they weren't allowed back, much to everyone's disappointment.

"Well aren't you going to answer it?" Paige asks, giving me a strange look. I'm about to say no and she must see that too. She dives for the phone and hits the answer button. I give her the most furious glare before putting the phone to my ear.

"Hello? Skyler, are you there?" Luke's worried voice sounds through the phone and guilt swells inside of me like a balloon inflating. I'm being immature ignoring him. He'll think he's done something wrong when in fact he's just been...well, he's just been his perfect self.

"Yeah, uhm, hey."

"Oh thank god." He sighs. "Why haven't you been answering your phone or coming to band practice? Michael wont tell me if you're alright or not and he wouldn't let me past to go check on you." Luke hurriedly says as if he's afraid id hang up. I don't understand why he's so worried...

Michael wasn't letting him past or telling him anything about me because I told him not to. After seeing him and Paige on the couch all over each other and sharing saliva - an image that has unfortunately been imprinted into my brain and I am scarred for life from - I've been using it to my advantage. He doesn't want anybody to know about that and I'm not particularly sure if they're a thing or not, Paige isn't sharing the details either. Since he didn't want anybody knowing I've basically been using it to my advantage, blackmailing him if you will. One of those things was 'Don't let Luke near me or I'll tell the boys about Paige.'

"Well...I've been a little busy..." I say the first thing that pops into my head, lying my ass off.

"Everyday for the past week?" He asks, clearly not believing me. I wouldn't if I were him either, it has to be the worlds worst lie.

"Maybe?" I squeak, making my statement sound more like a question.

"Look Skyler, I'm sorry if I- if I...did something to offend you? I-"

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