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I've posted a new fanfic! Would love it if you checked it out. I'm going to continue this one, unlike the last one I started haha. But yeah, would love it if you guys read it and told me if it was any good ^-^

After the guys did awkward man hugs with those painful looking whacks on the back, we fell into silence. Elliot had busied himself with "tour bus duties" but I think he just wasn't sure what to do with himself.

The silence that followed after the hugs was tense and awkward. I had just been hovering at the back as they had exchanged names and did the hugging but now they focused on me.

"Hi there," The boy with the unruly brown curls said, breaking the silence. He smirks at me and the intensity of his gaze as his eyes take me in from head to toe makes me shift uncomfortably on my feet. "What's your name?"

"Skyler. You're Harry I'm guessing?" I know for a fact that it's Harry Styles. They're the most publicized boy band in the world, it's a bit hard to not know who they are. I know Paige would kill to be in my shoes right now and if anything, I wish I could trade places with her. One Direction were not my music taste at all so I really didn't mind whether I met them or not. Paige on the other hand, was one of the most dedicated of fans and would trade a limb to be here. If she were standing here she would have probably hyperventilated before dropping dead in the space of about three seconds.

The only band I'd react like that about would probably be Linkin Park.

"You nervous?"

"What?" Why would he think I was nervous?

"Most girls get nervous meeting us," He says cockily with a shrug. "You have to be the most calm girl I've met since we got famous."

Just because the majority of the nation is head over heels for One Direction doesn't mean I should be too...You shouldn't presume things like that, being big headed isn't an attractive trait I think to myself. My sour mood began after the whole incident with Luke early this morning. As the seconds tick on, it's only intensifying and for some reason, looking at Harry's cocky face is just setting me off.

"Well," Harry says, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I'm sorry if I'm too cocky for your liking, Skyler." He says with a laugh. I look around the room with a frown. Did I miss a joke? Everyone stares at me with wide eyes like they've been shocked, except for Ash, who's giggling uncontrollably.

It suddenly makes sense.

"Please tell me I did not just say that out loud." I groan, covering my face with both hands in embarrassment as I feel it beginning to heat up. "I'm so sorry, crap. That must have sounded so rude, I- uh- I-"

I splay my fingers slightly and through them I can see the five - six if you include Ash - of them snickering, the rest stock still and shocked. Harry however, is in genuine fits of laughter. Considering I just insulted him, it's a shock. I put my hands back down, knotting them together.

"Don't look so worried." He says, regaining his composure and becoming his usual cocky self again. "Anyway, I like a girl with an attitude." He lowers his voice, sending me a wink and licking his lower lip. I feel my cheeks flame up and I fiddle with the hem of my band tee uncomfortably. Couldn't there be another girl here he could hit on? Please be another girl somewhere so he'll leave me alone...

Out the corner of my eye I see Luke visibly stiffen and I cant help but let a small smile play on my lips. Was he jealous?

Maybe Harry should continue flirting with me after all...

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