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On the condition that Calum and I don't try anything in practice, I have been allowed access to the garage again.

There's nothing he can really do about it. He cant control me or Calum and I think he's finally realised that after 2 days of us being in an official relationship. It doesn't mean he's happy with it or has quit glaring or giving Calum death threats along the lines of 'if you ever force her to do anything with you I'll...' or 'if you ever hurt her then so help me god I'll...'. Paige is ecstatic, full of I told you so's and 'he's even hotter than my boyfriend' comments.

Calum and I exchanged numbers yesterday but we still haven't kissed since his dramatic declaration of relationship ideas. The kiss was nice...I really don't think I should have been thinking of Luke when I was doing it though...

But as I have said internally before to myself, Luke is old news. I no longer have a crush on him, I'm with Calum now. He likes me and I like him, its as simple as that.

This is my first time back in the garage since I was banned. I have to admit, its good to be back. I had really missed hanging out with Calum and Ashton.

"I really wish you would find your own friends." Michael mutters glaring at me whilst I sit in between Calum and Ashton. Since the last time I was here they've added another seat, well, something that's not another stool. It looks like a large box, but since the pair of them are sitting on it then I presume its a seat. I notice Luke still isn't here though. I wonder what bug he's got that's making him so ill?

 "You don't own us Mr Clifford. Skyler is our bestie!" Ashton giggles, putting and arm around me, closely followed by Calums arm coming from the other side of me. Michael makes a disgusted noise in his throat and pretends to be sick before going back to tuning his guitar - which he can now play really well.

"And my girlfriend." Calum mutters quietly into my ear and I giggle.

"I heard that." Michael snaps.

"Anyway!" I say to try and defuse the awaiting bomb known as Michael. "Where's Luke?" I ask the first thought in my head.

Damn it. No Skyler, you don't care where Luke is.

I feel Calum stiffen as he's got his arm wrapped around me and I look up at him. He smiles back down at me but it looks forced. "I'm not sure." He says.

I glance over to Ashton who locks his gaze with mine. I can tell he doesn't believe it either.

"Speak of the devil." Michael chirps. "Luke says he feels better, he'll be over in 5 minutes." He reads of his phone, checking the text message that Luke must have sent.

My stomach churns as he says that but I blame it on the fact I've never eaten anything this morning, not the fact that I will be seeing Luke for the first time in days since he was so rude.

Calum grumbles something unintelligible under his breath and stands up, detaching himself from me to go across to the other side of the garage to retrieve his guitar.

"Are you alright? Have you fallen out with Luke or something?" I remember Ashton telling me there was tension between the pair of them back when we were getting Michaels hair dye, but I'm still unclear on the whole reason or if they even are friends or not.

"Something like that. Its fine, it doesn't matter." Calum dismisses my questions but I still don't understand. I would push him further but the tone of his voice clearly suggested he didn't want to talk about it and that the subject was closed for further discussion. I'll find out another time.

"Hey guys." I hear Luke's familiar voice sound from the garage door. I turn around to see him properly. His face is covered in shadows but when he closes the garage door behind him and comes into the light I see that his face is black and blue with bruises and that there's a small gash just above his eyebrow. His eyes bulge when he sees me there and then his gaze quickly flits to the floor.

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