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A/N ~ Sorry for the slow update, revising for prelims and stuff held me up :c

So I got an offer from the lovely ashtonirwin1310 to have this fanfiction translated into German so I've dedicated this chapter to you! Thank you so much! ^.^

How cool is that?! I'm pretty damn happy. I remember when I was delighted with 4 votes and now e[iofwjpihpw thank you so much guys ily all♡

The life of touring was passing by in roughly the same repetitive cycle. I'd wake up, Michael would stare down any male I talked to - which just so happened to be literally everyone as there were no girls in the two bands touring - or stood next to, Ash would send me sympathetic glances and Calum would be overly obsessed in trying to get Stella to text him back. Luke had been quiet. Sometimes at night I would hear him getting late night calls, speaking to someone on the phone in the bathroom before tiptoeing back to the bunks.

I was slowly but surely going insane.

As I lined the contents of the cupboards into alphabetical order to keep me occupied whilst the boys were practicing, I heard Elliot call my name. There was really only so many times I could listen to the same set of songs being played, then replayed, then replayed again before hearing them replay them live without getting bored. Not to mention that when I went, id have to act carefully around everyone, feeling nervous to breathe near the opposite gender in case Michael decided to tear their head from the rest of their body.

"Sorry, what?" I ask, turning around from my now in alphabetical order cereal boxes.

Elliot stares for a moment between the cereal and I before shaking his head. "I thought you'd be annoyed with the news I was about tell you," He pauses, staring once more at the aligned cereal. "But seeing that you're bored out of your mind, I think you'll be fine with it."

"What is it?" I ask warily.

"Well you knew that if you were to be allowed to tour with the boys then you'd need to study... Well your parents got their hands on my number and called me to make sure you have been."

"They called you? Why wouldn't they call me?" I frown. It's not like they hadn't already called me to check up on how Michael and I were, but they hadn't mentioned anything about my studying, which frankly id forgotten all about. They could have just said something then instead of going through the hassle of calling Elliot?

"Your mum said that unless someone was there to remind you every five minutes, you wouldn't do it."

"Why wouldn't she just call Michael?" I wonder aloud.

"She doesn't trust him." He chuckles.

"Fair enough."

We lapse into silence for a moment whilst Elliot appears to scrutinize me sitting atop of the kitchen worktop.

"You don't seem your usual self these days, Skyler."

"There's a lot of stuff you don't know about that's going on in my life. It's stressing me out." I sigh, putting my elbows on my knees and head in my hands. It's true. I wasn't myself and I doubt anybody else on the bus was either. It was my fault. They wouldn't be so distracted if I wasn't here. I just didn't know how to fix things.

"You mean Luke being head over heels in love with you? Yeah, I've noticed." He smirks.

In love with me? I suppose that one time so long ago he did scream it from his house after I had ran away. There's never been a day I've come to regret so much in my life. I still didn't quite believe his words. Perhaps like me, but even was a little far fetched.

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