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To say I'm jealous would be an understatement. I'm the fucking green eyed monster itself.

"Aw, is Lukey indecisive?" Mali teases, ruffling his hair. Luke's face turns a bright shade of pink and he bats her hand away.

"Shut up, Mali." He shakes his head whilst examining the café's menu, smiling. Mali chuckles and walks away from our table, leaving our order until Luke decides on what he wants.

I want to throw up.

This café was none other than the café Mali worked at. Apparently Luke 'had no idea'. Out of all the people on this world, did he have to pick a café Mali worked at? Calum's sister. The girl that just so happens to look like a model with her flawless skin and hair. The one who knows Luke so well. Who can make Luke laugh and smile in a heart beat when others have to try. Who flirts endlessly with him. Who-

"You alright?" Luke asks, frowning at my hands. I look down too to see that I had my fists balled up so tightly that my knuckles were turning white and that I was taking some of my anger out on the table cloth too.

"Yup. Just fine." I say, popping the 'p'.

Apart from the fact that Mali is here, the café is quite nice. Small, cosy and not too crowded. The down side to that is Mali gives her undivided attention to Luke. Even if it is just the occasional glance, I can just feel in my gut that she likes him and the thought makes me nauseous.

"Decided what you want then?" Mali chuckles, batting her eyelashes at Luke. She definitely likes him. Either Luke is blind to her feelings toward him or then something is going on between the pair.

"I'll have an orange juice." Luke shrugs. With it still being early in the morning and us both already having had breakfast, I don't think either of us have much of an appetite.

"And for you?" Mali tears her gaze away from Luke - finally - and asks me.

"I'll have a coffee." I mutter. Hopefully it will perk me up.

"How do you like your coffee?" She goes on to ask if I want milk and all the rest but I cut her off.

"Black, like my soul." I say sourly. I actually hate having coffee black but I've always wanted to say it. I don't know what I'll do when I get it because I certainly wont drink it, but I'll tackle that hurdle when I get to it. For now I need to get rid of her. 

Luke gives me a curious stare and Mali walks away to get what we ordered.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked before awkward silence could descend upon us and make this into more of a disaster than it already was.

"Do you really like your coffee black?" Luke avoids my question and scrunches up his nose in disgust.

"Yes. Have you got a problem with that?" I snap a little too defensively. Luke just seems to be amused by my mood. I don't know why, nothing about this is funny.

Mali walks back up to our table and places our drinks next to us. I've never been so envious of someone's orange juice in my life.

"Enjoy." She smiles and walks back into the kitchen bit at the back, concealed from view.

There's a moment of silence where Luke and I both stare at the black steaming mug of coffee on the table. He silently pushes his glass of orange juice towards me and raises an eyebrow.

I give him a grateful smile and take the glass, sliding the coffee over to him at the same time. He swirls the black liquid about in the mug before taking a deep breath and gulping some down whilst I happily sip on his orange juice.

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