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"Can I leave my bag in your room while the party is going on? I can just pick it up at the end?" I ask Ashton.

"Yeah, sure." He says and I run upstairs to the bathroom. His house is about the same size as mine. Fairly small but with 2 floors.

I lock myself in the bathroom and pull the clothes I've packed into my bag out onto the tiled bathroom floor. I quickly undress, packing my days clothes into the bag and slip the dress on.

Its nothing too fancy. Its fancy to me considering I've only ever worn dresses when I was little and once when I was 9 and had to go to my Aunties Wedding. I was forced and I cried the whole way through.

Its a simple black strapless dress which reaches my mid thigh. A little too short in my opinion but I'm sure there will be worse at the party. The boys told me they invited 'a bunch of mates and hot chicks'.

Oh the joy.

I slip a pair of black flats on and pull out my bobble, letting my hair fall around my shoulders. My hair isn't perfectly straight but it'll do. Its not like I'm wanting to impress anyone.

Unfortunately my usual stack of wristbands don't go with the outfit - which may I say, I feel silly in considering I have never exposed this much of myself, legs in particular, to the nation before. Never mind a bunch of guys. I take the wristbands off and put on a necklace. A silver chain with a pair of angel wings as a pendant.

Taking a deep breath, I take a look in the mirror which is from floor to ceiling. I gasp when I see my reflection. Of course I didn't chose this dress myself, Paige went out and bought something that 'would suit my hour glass figure'. She's explained her figure terms to me before and is convinced I have one. I didn't think so and I always denied it until now.

Who I see before me looks nothing like my ordinary self. The black dress fits perfectly to my figure, showing off my large hips, - which I never knew existed - slim stomach and large chest - which I never thought was very large until I saw myself in this figure hugging dress.

In fact...I look almost attractive. I shock myself with the thought.

I pick up my bag before leaving when I hear a clatter and look down. A tube of mascara rolls at my feet. Paige must have popped it into my bag...

Since its there I give my eyelashes a quick coating with the black gunk and put it back into my bag. I skip over to Ashton's room and put the bag in his cupboard - just in case somebody comes into the room drunk and vomits on it or something.

When I enter the living room downstairs I plop myself onto the couch that isn't taken up by the boys. They're all sitting with Xbox controllers in their hands, eyes glued to the TV screen in front of them. They're all just wearing band tees and jeans. Obviously they all look flawless - well not my brother - so they can get away with just wearing that for the party. It annoys me how boys can do that though. Not really put much effort into outfits for parties and its fine, but if I was to wear my usual outfit - basically what they're wearing - I would be judged.

"Have you got any food?" I ask.

"In the kitchen. Popcorn in cupboard. Microwave it. Bowls in cupboard." Ashton replies in short sentences as none of them look up from their game.

I skip to the kitchen next door to the living room and make the microwavable popcorn. I wait for the ding sound which signals its ready before emptying the packet into a bowl and salting it. I made 3 packets of popcorn because I'm with a group of boys who eat a lot and I know if I'm sitting there eating they'll expect to have some too. They all eat like pigs and before I know it, the popcorn would be gone.

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