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"Look, I just don't want you hanging out with them anymore. Any of them." Michael says as he sits down opposite me at the kitchen table. He's started talking like we were in the middle of a conversation already. I've no idea who he's talking about.

"What?" I say around a mouthful of my breakfast cereal.

"The guys, my best friends. I don't want you to hang about with us anymore. I never wanted you there in the first place, but I tolerated it like the kind brother I am." He gives me a dazzling smile but it quickly fades as he grows serious again. "But you cant be around them anymore. Ever."

"What? Why?" I say, choking on my Cornflakes in shock. Yesterday I did walk into a tension filled garage to get my sweater but I didn't think Michael took it this badly. What Michael was suggesting yesterday was ridiculous, but it appears he took the conversation to heart. It looks like he thinks Calum has some kind of crush on me. Ridiculous, because Calum seems to be a naturally flirty person. With Michael being his friend, he should know that. He just seems to be blinded to the fact because I'm his sister and all of a sudden he's taking a very annoying 'protective' role in my life.

"I just don't want you there alright?" Michael snaps. He takes a deep breath before asking "How long were you standing there? What did you hear?"

"I heard you being stupid, that's what. You were acting like an idiot suggesting they're all attracted to me." I cant help but laugh. Like any of them think that. "And you looked like you were going to rip Calums head off when I walked in, so I roughly get it."

"I'm an idiot? I'm an idiot..." He snorts. "You're the only idiot here. You have to be fucking blind to not see what's happening around you." He aggressively shoves his chair over and leaves me in the kitchen alone. Presumably to go into the garage where I am no longer allowed to go to anymore.

Confused and irritated, I continue eating my cereal, although it doesn't appeal to me as much as it did before my brother started yelling at me. So much for my plan for questioning Luke. I'll never get passed my brother.


"Oh, I see how it is. You ditch me for those boys and now that you've been ditched you come crawling back....Am I right?" Paige says after I've explained my unwanted-ness over the phone.

" you put it like that..." I say, switching my mobile to my other ear. I suppose I did abandon Paige just a little...I got a little preoccupied with who I thought were my new friends. I don't see them coming up from that garage to say hello though, so I must have been mistaken. They obviously don't miss me like I miss them. Which is pretty sad considering I've only known them a number of weeks. "Sorry about that."

"No, no. Its not that simple. You cant win me over with a simple apology. Nothing will ever get you to win me back." Paige says stubbornly.

"Are you sure? Nothing? Nothing at all?"

"Nothing you can do will ever get me to change my mind." She's too stubborn. I'll have to do it...its the only way to win her around - much to my distaste.

"Not even If I invite you around right now and we can snoop on that "attractive" brother of mine playing his guitar?"

"I'll be there as soon as I can." The phone line goes dead, signalling that she's hung up on me in her frantic hurry to make herself over before flaunting herself in front of my brother. I knew it was the only way. I know her too well and I knew she wouldn't refuse.

It disgusts me, but it has to be done. Otherwise I would be friendless. Which is pretty damn sad, even if I do say so myself.


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